◆Academic Year 2024
Vol.72 No.1 SUM. 2024 : Sustainable Design: For Sustainable Development and Growth

◆Academic Year 2023
Vol.71 No.4 SPR. 2024 : Marketing beyond Online-offline Integration
Vol.71 No.3 WIN. 2023 : Business Transformation by Rule-making
Vol.71 No.2 AUT. 2023 : Challenge against “Status Quo”:Crazy Innovators in the Japan’s Primary Industry
Vol.71 No.1 SUM. 2023 : Human Capital Management of Japanese Companies:Towards to Sustainable Corporate Value Creation

◆Academic Year 2022
Vol.70 No.4 SPR. 2023 : Understanding Korea’s Industry:From Steel and Automobile to Game and K-POP
Vol.70 No.3 WIN. 2022 : Revisiting “Design” as an Essential Concept of Business Management
Vol.70 No.2 AUT. 2022 : Resilience of the Tourism Industry
Vol.70 No.1 SUM. 2022 : Carbon Neutrality Revolution

◆Academic Year 2021
Vol.69 No.4 SPR. 2022 : Business Creation for and by Minorities
Vol.69 No.3 WIN. 2021 : Startups That Change the Future
Vol.69 No.2 AUT. 2021 : Rejuvenation of Science and Technology Research in Japan
Vol.69 No.1 SUM. 2021 : Rebuilding International Business: How to Further Connect Japanese Economy and the World Economy

◆Academic Year 2020
Vol.68 No.4 SPR. 2021 : In Search of Fundamental Changes in Japanese Working Style 
Vol.68 No.3 WIN. 2020 : The New Form of Corporations and Their Governance 
Vol.68 No.2 AUT. 2020 : Digital Transformation and the Fate of the Japanese Companies: What Made DX So Slow and So Unessential?
Vol.68 No.1 SUM. 2020 : Corporate Venturing: Re-connecting Established Firms with Start-up Activities

◆Academic Year 2019
Vol.67 No.4 SPR. 2020 : Tokyo:  Future Perspective beyond 2020
Vol.67 No.3 WIN. 2019 : Innovation of Safety and ANSHIN
Vol.67 No.2 AUT. 2019 : Foresight and Corporate Management
Vol.67 No.1 SUM. 2019 : A New Wave of “Education Reform”

◆Academic Year 2018
Vol.66 No.4 SPR. 2019 : The Next Unicorns in Japan
Vol.66 No.3 WIN. 2018 : NEW SCIENCE OF EIGYO
Vol.66 No.2 AUT. 2018 : THE FUTURES OF EVs
Vol.66 No.1 SUM. 2018 : Science of “Work and Life Shift”

◆Academic Year 2017
Vol.65 No.4 SPR. 2018 : Aircraft Industry as a Future Business Development in Japan
Vol.65 No.3 WIN. 2017 : Corporate Governance Reform in Japan: Transforming from “Form” to “Substance
Vol.65 No.2 AUT. 2017 : Paradigm Shift of the Healthcare Policy and Management
Vol.65 No.1 SUM. 2017 : Scientific Sources of Innovation: Beyond the Myth of Nobel Prize

◆Academic Year 2016
Vol.64 No.4 SPR. 2017 : Innovation Research Frontier for the Next 20 Years
Vol.64 No.3 WIN. 2016 : Corporate Strategy for Business Transformation
Vol.64 No.2 AUT. 2016 : New Industrial Revolution: Digital Disruption and Management Logic
Vol.64 No.1 SUM. 2016 : Revitalizing Human Resource Management

◆Academic Year 2015
Vol.63 No.4 SPR. 2016 : Intellectual Property Strategies to Rise above Adversities
Vol.63 No.3 WIN. 2015 : The Destruction and Creation of the Chinese Model
Vol.63 No.2 AUT. 2015 : Strength amd Risk of Family Business
Vol.63 No.1 SUM. 2015 : “Last Frontier” AFRICA: What Do We Lean From There?

◆Academic Year 2014
Vol.62 No.4 SPR. 2015 : Design Engineering: It Is Not the Alternative of “Function or Design
Vol.62 No.3 WIN. 2014 : Innovation Power of Small Strong Countries: Why Japan Lose?
Vol.62 No.2 AUT. 2014 : Startups and IPO: Why Do Japanese Startups Stall after IPO?
Vol.62 No.1 SUM. 2014 : The Business Unit Strategy and Organization among Japanese Firms

◆Academic Year 2013
Vol.61 No.4 SPR. 2014 : Rethinking Customer Orientation: New Challenges in Practice to Create Customers
Vol.61 No.3 WIN. 2013 : Assessment of Industry-University Collaboration in Japan: Toward New Combinations
Vol.61 No.2 AUT. 2013 : The Future Creation Management from the Community
Vol.61 No.1 SUM. 2013 : Frontiers of Business Economics

◆Academic Year 2012
Vol.60 No.4 SPR. 2013 : Cross-Border M&A
Vol.60 No.3 WIN. 2012 : Uncovering the Real Potential of Japanese Manufacturing Industry
Vol.60 No.2 AUT. 2012 : Impact of Open Innovation
Vol.60 No.1 SUM. 2012 : Where Will Accounting in Japan Head for?

◆Academic Year 2011
Vol.59 No.4 SPR. 2012 : How to Close Nuclear Power Stations in Realistic Way
Vol.59 No.3 WIN. 2011 : Emerging Market Strategies in India
Vol.59 No.2 AUT. 2011 : Financial Regulation in Transition and Financial Business
Vol.59 No.1 SUM. 2011 : Frontiers of Knowledge Management

◆Academic Year 2010
Vol.58 No.4 SPR. 2011 : Leadership in History
Vol.58 No.3 WIN. 2010 : “COOL JAPAN” Reconsidered: Japan’s Pop Culture Industry in North America
Vol.58 No.2 AUT. 2010 : Japan’s Competiveness Revisited
Vol.58 No.1 SUM. 2010 : Green Innovation

◆Academic Year 2009
Vol.57 No.4 SPR. 2010 :  Management of Technology for Value Creation
Vol.57 No.3 WIN. 2009 : Global Standards Can Change the Competition
Vol.57 No.2 AUT. 2009 : Network Frontiers
Vol.57 No.1, SUM. 2009 : Social Innovation

◆Academic Year 2008
Vol.56 No.4, SPR. 2009 : Sports as Business
Vol.56 No.3, WIN. 2008 : M&A and Corporate Value
Vol.56 No.2, AUT. 2008 : Monodukuri (Open Manufacturing) Management: A Concept from Japan
Vol.56 No.1, SUM. 2008 : Japanese Business System

◆Academic Year 2007
Vol.55 No.4, SPR. 2008 : Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation
Vol.55 No.3, WIN. 2007 : Japanese Employment System: The New Reality
Vol.55 No.2, AUT. 2007 : Design and Competitiveness
Vol.55 No.1, SUM. 2007 : The Theory of New Gemba-Power

◆Academic Year 2006
Vol.54 No.4, SPR. 2007 : New Era for Science Innovation
Vol.54 No.3, WIN. 2006 : New Trends of Risk Control, Management and Governance
Vol.54 No.2, AUT. 2006 : Forefront of Services Sciences, Management and Engineering
Vol.54 No.1, SUM. 2006 : Scientific Sales Force Management

◆Academic Year 2005
Vol.53 No.4, SPR. 2006 : Strategies for Escaping from Commoditization
Vol.53 No.3, WIN. 2005 : Content Businesses of Japan
Vol.53 No.2, AUT. 2005 : Management of M&A and Corporate Restructuring
Vol.53 No.1, SUM. 2005 : The Start-ups of Japan

◆Academic Year 2004
Vol.52 No.4, SPR. 2005 : The Frontiers of Business in China
Vol.52 No.3, WIN. 2004 : Re-examining Our Competitiveness: Have Japanese Firms Really Revived?
Vol.52 No.2, AUT. 2004 : Top Management in Japanese Corporations
Vol.52 No.1, SUM. 2004 : Digital Competition

◆Academic Year 2003
Vol.51 No.4, SPR. 2004 : Essentials of Technology Management
Vol.51 No.3, WIN. 2003 : Management of Intangible Assets
Vol.51 No.2, AUT. 2003 : Corporate Innovation for Japan’s Economic Renewal
Vol.51 No.1, SUM. 2003 : Sense Making of Careers

◆Academic Year 2002
Vol.50 No.4, SPR. 2003 : Theories and Practices of Negotiation
Vol.50 No.3, WIN. 2002 : Toward Further Understanding of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
Vol.50 No.2, AUT. 2002 : Management Professionals
Vol.50 No.1, SUM. 2002 : How to Manage Our Organizations

◆Academic Year 2001
Vol.49 No.4, SPR. 2002 : Smart-Practice Government: Management Reform of Public Administration
Vol.49 No.3, WIN. 2001 : Nature of the Firm
Vol.49 No.2, AUT. 2001 : Retail Innovation
Vol.49 No.1, SUM. 2001 : Human Resources as Intellectual Competitiveness

◆Academic Year 2000
Vol.48 No.4, SPR. 2001 : 21st CENTURY SUMMIT: Building a More Competitive Japan
Vol.48 No.3, AUT 2000 : Management in the 20th Century
Vol.48 No.1-2, SUM.-AUT.2000 : Management System for the 21st Century