Vol.62 No.2 AUT. 2014 (In Japanese)
A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.
Startups and IPO: Why Do Japanese Startups Stall after IPO?
Kenji Kutsuna
“Growth Dynamics of Firms after the IPO”
Kazuhiko Yamamoto / Ryo Okubo
“New Venture Valuation”
Yuki Watanabe
“The Impact of Managerial Ownership on Firm Value in High Growth Firms: An Empirical Analysis Focusing on Founder-CEOs”
Akira Kiyota
“IPO Market in Japan: Current Situation and TSE’s Actions”
Yoshiaki Ishii
“Japan’s New Venture Business Policy: Programs for Fostering Entrepreneurship and Venture Ecosystem”
Mikiharu Noma
“Search for Corporate Venture Capital, Innovation, and Firm Value”
●Critical Eyes: Social Networks and Strategic Management
Tsutomu Nakano
●Leaders of MOT
Kazushi Kuse
●Business Cases
Genjiro Kosaka / Sohpia Univ. Kosaka Seminar
“Marketing research industry: The rise of internet research and competition among incumbent firms and new entrants”
Sayoko Miura / Hiroshi Shimizu
“Panasonic : How to Grow a Cash Cow: Monolithic Dual Wavelength High Power Laser Diode of Panasonic”
●Invitation to Management Science
Yaichi Aoshima / Kiyonori Sakakibara
●The Management is Stranger than the Theoretical(3)
Hideki Yoshihara
●Management Forum
Yusuke Umeda / Soichi Kariyazono
Interviewed by Seiichiro Yonekura
●From My Bookshelf
Eri Yokota
Hidemichi Miyake