Hitotsubashi Buisiness Review

The Hitotsubashi Business Review is a quarterly journal (March, June, September and December) edited by the Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research and published by Toyo Keizai Inc. Following revisions to its content in September 2000, the publication has earned a reputation for excellence as a serious and insightful management journal from Japan linking “business administration” with “business venues”.

 In addition to occasional featured papers focusing on important themes four times a year, the institute also publishes information such as business case studies providing detailed descriptions of specific enterprise activities, the Innovations in Business Administration series, periodic papers explaining cutting-edge business administration activities in an easy-to-understand format for individuals new to the field, and Management Forum, which offers interviews with noteworthy managers from a unique perspective.

 Contributors are invited from among not only business scholars representing Hitotsubashi University but also from among select writers working at a broad range of other universities, government and municipal offices and in the world of industry, and provide content that is worthwhile reading for researchers and students of business administration as well as for executives and business men and women in general.
 Once each year the institute sponsors the Hitotsubashi Business Review Forum, a program of lectures and panel discussions by management executives.

Copies of the Hitotsubashi Business Review, business case studies, discussions and notes are available for purchase from the following websites.

Toyo Keizai Inc.
1-2-1, Nihonbashi Hongokucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8345
TEL 03-3246-5467

Inquiries and bulk orders of Business Review up to 47 volumes
Chikura Publishing Co., Ltd.
2-4-12 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031
TEL 03-3273-3931 FAX 03-3273-7668