Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Business Review Vol.72 No.1 SUM. 2024

Vol.72 No.1 SUM. 2024 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Sustainable Design: For Sustainable Development and Growth Patrick Reinmoeller / Seiichiro Yonekura“Sustainable Design as Economic Growth“ Shiro Nitanai “Facility Management and Sustainable Design” Fara Taraie“Re-designing Sustainable Design“ Daijiro Mizuno“A Conceptual Examination of the Development of Sustainable Fashion“ Hiroya Tanaka“Total Design for Circular Cities in Japan: Potentials on the “Middle-sized Model” Derived from Kamakura City“ Jun Inoue “Sustainable Real Estate for the Future: Uniting AI and Environmental Initiatives“ Ikujiro Nonaka / Hideki Kawada / Yumiko Kawada “Collective “Practical Wisdom” Creation through Dynamic Duality“ ●Management with…

Business Review Vol.71 No.4 SPR. 2024

Vol.71 No.4 SPR. 2024 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Marketing beyond Online-offline Integration Chieko Minami“The Impact of Emerging New Technologies on Online Channel and Omni-channel Strategies“ Takumi Tagashira “Managing Retail Marketing Strategy in an Omnichannel Environment” Takashi Okutani“The Quest for Authentic Shopping Experience in the Era of Unified Commerce“ Tetsuya Aoki“Marketing Strategy for Online Platform: Learning from Big Data Analysis on YouTube“ Kyosuke Kusaka“Augmented Reality in Online Shopping: Applications and Effects“ Norio Imai “Expanding Relationships in Marketing: From a Digital Transformation Perspective“ ●Management with Comprehending (1)Daisuke Satoh ●Entrepreneurs Who Change the World…

Business Review Vol.71 No.3 WIN. 2023

Vol.71 No.3 WIN. 2023 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Business Transformation by Rule-making Keisuke Hanyuda“Earning Models of the Rule-making Support Services:A Way of Strengthening Fundamentals of Rule-making Capabilities“ Yuzuru Tachi “Public Affairs for Rule-making:A Case Study of E-scooter’s Rule-making” Shun Sakurai“The Role of Industrial Ecosystems in Rule-making and Regulatory Reform“ Takafumi Ochiai / Makoto Koizumi / Yosuke Miyata“Changes in the Way the Private Sector Is Involved in Rule Formation: Prospects for the Policy Research Institute“ Manabu Eto“Utilizing Rule-making in Business with Standardization:Standards Enforcement Grows“ ●Entrepreneurs Who Change the World (17)Yasuhiko Yurimoto …

Business Review Vol.71 No.2 AUT. 2023

Vol.71 No.2 AUT. 2023 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Challenge against “Status Quo”:Crazy Innovators in the Japan’s Primary Industry Shinjiro Yamada“New Agricultural Revolution:Automated Systems for Urban Farming“ Yukinori Shitautsubo / Mikiko Makka“For Sustainable Fishing Industry:A Challenge of Kita-sanriku Sea Urching Farming“ Tsuyoshi Yoshida “Will Smart Agriculture Save Japanese Agriculture?” Junichi Saito“SocialTech for Agricultural and Societal Issues“ Satoshi Nabe“Paradigm Change for Japanese Agribusiness:From a Perspective of Social Welfare and Agri-farming Alliance“ Tatsuhiko Inoue / Masahiro kondo“What Business Models Do Investors Value?“ ●Entrepreneurs Who Change the World (16)Hideki Yoshino  Interviewed by Yaichi Aoshima…

Business Review Vol.71 No.1 SUM. 2023

Vol.71 No.1 SUM. 2023 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc. Human Capital Management of Japanese Companies: Towards to Sustainable Corporate Value Creation Kunio Ito “The Paradigm Change of Human Capital Management“ Hiroshi Ono “Why We Need Investments in Human Capital“ Tomoyuki Shimanuki  “The Challenges of Human Resource Management in Japanese Firms: Implications of “ITO Review for Human Capital Management” Naomi Kodama “Gender Gaps and Management Practices in the Workplace“ Yasuhiro Hattori “Hiring Activities of U.S. Companies and Its Implications for Japanese Companies“ ●Entrepreneurs Who Change the World…

Business Review Vol.70 No.4 SPR. 2023

Vol.70 No.4 SPR. 2023 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Understanding Korea’s Industry:From Steel and Automobile to Game and K-POP Hidemi Yoshioka“Industrial Development and the Role of Industrial Policy: The Case of the Korean Semiconductor Industry“ Mokoto Abe“The Catching-Up and Competition with Japan in the Korean Steel Industry“ Seunghwan Ku “Building Process of Business System of Hyundai Automobile Group“ Masaaki Toma“Strategic Transformation of Energy Industry in South Korea: From “Traditional Energy” to “New and Renewable Energy“ Jonghyun Wi“Born as an Innovator: Korea Game Industry Shocks the World“ Ingyu Oh“The Success Factors of…

Business Review Vol.70 No.3 WIN. 2022

Vol.70 No.3 WIN. 2022 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc. Revisiting “Design” as an Essential Concept of Business Management Kazufumi Nagai “Fundamentals of Design: A Linkage between the Stone Age and the Age of Design-driven Management“ Shunji Yamanaka “A Transition of Boundaries of Design“ Yasufumi Morinaga “Perceived by Retina or Grasped by Brain?: How to Understand ‘Management by Design’“ Fumie Shibata “What the Term ‘Design’ Means? From the Perspective of a Product Designer“ Masatoki Toyama “Design Thinking in the Public Sector: Insights from Design-driven Management Project in…

Business Review Vol.70 No.2 AUT. 2022

Vol.70 No.2 AUT. 2022 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc. Resilience of the Tourism Industry Hirotaka Yamauchi / Toshiya miyazaki “Tourism Industry Renaissance: Transcending Traditional Targets, Scope,and Status“ Ryuji Sawada “Creative Solutions for Hotel Businesses After COVID-19“ Wataru Uehara / Hiromi Kamata / Hiroyuki Fukuchi “Crisis Management of Hotel Operators in Japan“ Fumiko Kano “A Cross-cultural Analysis of Risk Perceptions, Attitudes, and Intentions towards Traveling during Corona-crisis:Japan and Italy“ Hiromi Kamata / Wataru Uehara “Residents’ Attitude towards Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic“ Tomohiro Muraki / Akiko Mitsui…

Business Review Vol.70 No.1 SUM. 2022

Vol.70 No.1 SUM. 2022 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Carbon Neutrality Revolution Tagui Ichikawa“Carbon Neutrality as an Industrial Revolution“ Takeo Kikkawa“The Road to Carbon Neutrality: Roles of Businesses and Central / Local Governments“ Kenji Asano“Why Achieving Carbon Neutrality Is “Ambitious”: Rethinking the S + 3E (Safety, Economic Efficiency, Energy Security, and Environment)“ Yasuhiro Daisyo“Automotive Technologies and Associated Policies for Carbon Neutrality“ Kei Kawahara“The Way to Carbon Neutral Society and Key CO2-related Technologies“ Susumu Ogawa“New Consumer-participatory Product Development: Co-creation with Opinion Leaders in Social Media“ ●New Market Creation through Effectuation (1) Mari…

Business Review Vol.69 No.4 SPR. 2022

Vol.69 No.4 SPR. 2022 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Business Creation for and by Minorities Tomoyo Kazumi“Lightning Invisible Women Entrepreneurs: Pop up from Minority and Business Creation“ Fumino Sugiyama“Sexual Minority in Japan: Reality and Future“ Masaru Karube / Tatsuki Tachibana / Seiichiro Yonekura“How Do Foreign Entrepreneurs Perceive Japan as the Business Environment for Starting New Business?“ Yasuyuki Hoshikawa“Shifting the Special Product for Persons with Special Needs into the Accessible Design Product for Everyone“ Kenryu Nakamura“Educating Unique People and Creating New Businesses“ Yuka Shimada“Minority Can Be Majority: Our Intuition, Sense of…