Vol.70 No.1 SUM. 2022 (In Japanese)
A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.
Carbon Neutrality Revolution
Tagui Ichikawa
“Carbon Neutrality as an Industrial Revolution“
Takeo Kikkawa
“The Road to Carbon Neutrality: Roles of Businesses and Central / Local Governments“
Kenji Asano
“Why Achieving Carbon Neutrality Is “Ambitious”: Rethinking the S + 3E (Safety, Economic Efficiency, Energy Security, and Environment)“
Yasuhiro Daisyo
“Automotive Technologies and Associated Policies for Carbon Neutrality“
Kei Kawahara
“The Way to Carbon Neutral Society and Key CO2-related Technologies“
Susumu Ogawa
“New Consumer-participatory Product Development: Co-creation with Opinion Leaders in Social Media“
●New Market Creation through Effectuation (1)
Mari Yoshida
●Managerial Insights from Innovation Management Studies (6)
Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi
●Entrepreneurs Who Change the World (11)
Keisuke Fukui
Interviewed by Yaichi Aoshima / Masatoshi Fujiwara
“JEPLAN: Creating a sustainable ecosystem with innovative chemical recycling technology“
Satoko Suzuki / Ueki Imaoka
“Yamato Group: The Challenge of Logistics Reform through Standardization and Openness“
●Management Forum
Hisahide Okuda
(Director and Corporate Vice President Managing Executive officer,
JERA Co., Inc)
Interviewed by Seiichiro Yonekura / Tagui Ichikawa