Vol.63 No.1 SUM. 2015 (In Japanese)
A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.
“Last Frontier” AFRICA: What Do We Lean From There?
Seiichiro Yonekura
“Why Africa Now?: The Last Frontier,
but the One Japan Is Going to Face For the First Time”
Martyn Davies / Kira McDonald
“Japan’s Shifthing Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Relations in Africa:
A View From Japan Inc.”
Tashmia Ismail
” New Markets, New Mindsets: Building Business in the African Base”
Michele Ruiters / Thierry Giordano
“Project Finance in Post-conflict and Fragile Situations: What Role For DFIs”
Kanako Sakai
“Japanese Companies Expanding into Africa”
●Critical Eyes: Organizational Forgetting as a Strategy
Min Jungwon
●Leaders of MOT
Satoshi Ogiso
Interviewed by Kentaro Nobeoka, Yaichi Aoshima
●Business Cases
Noriko Taji / Junji Fukuda
“Enigmo Inc.”
Emiko Tsuyuki / Chuo University Graduate School of Strategic Manegement Tsuyuki seminar
“Nihon Kotsu Co.,Ltd”
●The Management of MUJI (1)
Hidehiko Nishikawa
●Colum: (1)
The “New” New Value Creation Strategy: Thinking of Open Innovation
Hiroshi Shimizu
●Management Forum
Mohau Pheko (Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa )
Interviewed by Seiichiro Yonekura
●From My Bookshelf
Sadao Nagaoka
Yayoi Tanaka
Tomoki Sekiguchi
Behavioral Characteristics of Employees Leading to a High Level of Self-Efficacy for Business Creation
Emi Osono