Business Review Vol.50 No.3, WIN. 2002

Vol.50 No.3, WIN. 2002 (In Japanese)

A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.

Toward Further Understanding of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
Chieko Minami “Consumer Symbolism and Interpretive Approach”
Akira Shimizu “Consumer’s Decision Making Process and Marketing Strategies”
Takaho Ueda “Price Management and Psychology”
Yoshito Maruoka “The Means-End Chain Approach to Understanding Consumer Behavior”
Yutaka Hamaoka “Understanding Active Consumer: Building Block for Coevolutionary Marketing”
Katahira/Yamamoto “Net or Die: A Consumer-driven Marketing Model for the Internet Age”
 Ikujiro Nonaka
●Industry Report
 Jun Sato
●Perspectives in Management Research: Administrative Behavioral Science
 Kiyoshi Takahashi/Toshihiro Kanai(5)
●Perspectives in Measuring and Creating the Value of Companies
 Tetsuyuki Kagaya/Kunio Ito (6)
●Business Cases
 Fujiwara Masatoshi ”Kirin Brewery Company, Limited”
 Yoko Takeda/Shigemi Yoneyama ”Cerveza”
●Management Forum
 Yukinori Kuwano (SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.),
 Interviewed by Seiichiro Yonekura
 Seiji Manabe/Kentaro Nobeoka
 ”Network Trust and Inter-organizational Learning System: The Toyota Case”
●Critical Eyes: Customer Relationship Management
 Sawanobori Hideaki