Vol.68 No.4 SPR. 2021 (In Japanese)

A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.
In Search of Fundamental Changes in Japanese Working Style
Kentaro Arita / Naomi Kodama / Saisuke Sakai / Kohei Takahashi
“The Diffusion and the Effects of Work Style Reforms on Productivity“
Atsushi Ohyama / Ryo Kitagawa / Nobuko Hori
“Does the Use of Data and AI Improve the Level of Productivity and Stimulate Innovation Activities?“
Tagui Ichikawa
“Digital Innovation of Governments for Productivity Growth“
Yasushi Hara / Hiroyuki Nakazono / Tomomi Imagawa
“Are We Pretender of Digitalization?: Towards a New Management Using Telework and Digital Transformation“
Akie Nakamura
“Why Have Japanese Employees Accepted Low Wages?: Decline and Resurgence of the Voice Mechanism“
Fumio Sato
“Career Strategy for Meaningful Work throughout Your Life“
Yasuhiro Hattori
“In Search of Star Employees in Japanese Companies“
Ikujiro Nonaka / Yumiko Kawada / Kosuke Ogaki
“The Essence of Dynamic Management: Synthesizing Business Management and Phenomenology for a Humanizing Strategy“
Interviewed by Yaichi Aoshima / Masatoshi Fujiwara
Masaru Karube
Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi
“Megane Super“
“Kimura Foundry: Business Succession and Revision of Corporate Philosophy“
(Founder and CEO of GMO Internet Group)