Vol.67 No.4 SPR. 2020 (In Japanese)

A leading management journal in Japanese,
which builds a bridge between theory and practice.
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Toyo Keizai Inc.
Tokyo: Future Perspective beyond 2020
Heizo Takenaka
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution and “Super City”“
Tomohiro Okada
“Intercity Competition for “Creativity” of Global Scale“
Tomoyuki Sugiyama
“Road to the Most Unique City in the World“
Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi / Yuuki Maruyama / Yuri Hirai / Toshiya Watanabe
“Why “Hongo Valley” Attracts High-tech Academic Spin-offs?: Determinants of an Academic Spin-off Cluster“
Seiichiro Yonekura / Koichi Watari / Etsuko Watari
“Post Functional Olympics: Tokyo as an Emerging City“
Hitoshi Kinoshita
“Regional Strategy as “External Pressure” to Transform Tokyo“
Ikujiro Nonaka
“Humanizing Strategy: Narrative Approach“
Interviewed by Yaichi Aoshima / Masatoshi Fujiwara
●Brand Management by All Stakeholders (5)
Satoko Suzuki
“Francfranc: A Lifestyle Brand“
“Shin-Nakano Kogyo: New Infrastructure in Sake Industry“
Emi Osono