Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Forum 2016.4.20 Veikko Thiele

Innovation Forum 2016.4.20 Veikko Thiele Topic: “Fostering Entrepreneurship: Backing Founders or Investors?” Speaker: Veikko Thiele  (Associate Professor, Queen’s University) Date: April 20th (Wednesday)  2016 from 14:00 ~ 15:00 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:  Atsushi Ohyama

Forum 2016.5.25 Sunil Mani

Innovation Forum 2016.5.25 Sunil Mani Topic: “One Size Does Not Fit All: An Analysis of the Importance of Industry-specific Vertical Policies for Growing High Technology Industries in India.” Speaker: Sunil Mani (Professor, Center for Development Studies) Date: May 25th (Wednesday)  2016 from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:  Hiroshi Shimizu

Forum 2016.4.20 Ben Dankbaar

Innovation Forum 2016.4.20 Ben Dankbaar Topic:“From Catching up to Meeting the Grand Challenges: The Changing Faces of Industrial Policy.” Summary:Industrial policy is back on the political agenda, but remains highly controversial. Some industrial policies are heavily criticized, while others are drawing broad support. This paper offers a  typology of industrial policies, which aims to clarify the issues involved and the theoretical foundations for different policies. Four types are distinguished. It is argued that that all four are practiced today, but that they made their first appearance in different periods in history.Therefore, the typology is called ‘quasi-historical’. The second half of the paper focuses on modern discussions about the role of…

Business Review Vol.63 No.4 SPR. 2016

Vol.63 No.4 SPR. 2016 (In Japanese)   A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Intellectual Property Strategies to Rise above Adversities Shigemi Yoneyama / Toshiya Watanabe / Isamu Yamauchi“Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Management” Makoto Ogino“Japanese Electronics Paradox as a Result of Misunderstood “Pro-patent” Yasuo Tsuchiya“The Empirical Study on Creating and Profiting of Intellectual Properties: From the Case Study of Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” Yasushi Hara / Sadao Nagaoka / Naoki Takada / Hideo Kawabe / Yoshiyuki Ohsugi“Patent-induced New Combinations of Knowledge and Resources:From Case Studies of Path-breaking Drugs” Yoshimi Okada / Sadao…

Forum 2016.4.13 Michael G Jacobides

Innovation Forum 2016.4.13 Michael G Jacobides Topic:“Scale, Scope and Performance Dynamics: A Population Study ofthe Evolution of Bank Holding Companies and Their Performance Changes,1990-2014” Speaker: Michael G Jacobides(Sir Donald Gordon Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, andAssociate Professor, Strategy & Entrepreneurship Department, London Business School) Date:April 13th (Wednesday)  2016from 16:30 ~ 18:00 Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Yaichi Aoshima

Forum 2016.3.16 Dumisani Magadlela

Innovation Forum 2016.3.16 Dumisani Magadlela Topic:“You Cannot Teach a Lion to Roar: African Skills Development andCapacity Building: Challenging Old Paradigms While Grabbing NewOpportunities” Speaker: Dumisani Magadlela(Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi UniversityProgramme Manager, Pan African Capacity Building Programme,Development Bank of Southern Africa) Date:March 16th (Wednesday)  2016from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Forum 2016.2.8 Hitoshi Mitsuhashi

Innovation Forum 2016.2.8 Hitoshi Mitsuhashi Topic:“Missing Contenders: Competitive Asymmetry and Organizational Inattentiveness to Potential Competitive Threats” Although previous research has suggested the possibility of firms not mutually recognizing each other as rivals (i.e., competitiveasymmetry) and cautioned managers that failing to recognize or missing identifying potential rivals can have detrimental consequences on organizational survival, little empirical effort has been made to explore why firms fail to consider other firms that view them as rivals (i.e., contenders). In this study, we posit that competitive asymmetry could be an unintentional or intentional consequence of two sequential and interdependent processes: noticing and classification. Using the 10-K data as to how firms view their own…

Forum 2016.2.3 Jiangyun Wan

Innovation Forum 2016.2.3 Jiangyun Wan Topic: “Brand Loyalty and Generic Competition” Speaker:  Jiangyun Wan  (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) Date: February 3rd (Wednesday)  2016 from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:  Hiroshi Shimizu

Atsushi OHYAMA, Associate Professor, received 2015 NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step from NISTEP (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy))

Atsushi OHYAMA, Associate Professor, received 2015 NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step from NISTEP (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy)) NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step) Since 2005, NISTEP has been selecting people who have made significant contributions to science and technology as “NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step)”. http://www.nistep.go.jp/en/?page_id=13 Organization:  NISTEP (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) Award:  2015 NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step) Date: December 10, 2015 Award Winner: Associate Professor Atsushi OHYAMA Press releases concerning NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step) (in Japanese): http://www.nistep.go.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/nistep2015.pdf Interviews (in Japanese): http://www.nistep.go.jp/activities/sti-horizon%E8%AA%8C/vol-02no-01/stih00013 http://www.cm.hit-u.ac.jp/hitmagazine/2016/01/-2015.html