Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Forum 2017.12.6 Ravi Madhavan

Innovation Forum 2017.12.6 Ravi Madhavan Topic:“The Evolution of Systems Integration Capability in China: Case Studies in Nuclear Power and Commercial Aircraft” Speaker:Ravi Madhavan(Professor, The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh) Date:December 6th (Wednesday)  2017from 12:40 ~ 14:10 Place: Director’s room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU received the 33rd Annual Takamiya Award for Best Book from the Academic Association for Organizational Science

Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU received the 33rd Annual Takamiya Award for Best Book from the Academic Association for Organizational Science Organization: The Academic Association for Organizational Science Award:  Takamiya Award for Best Book Date:  June 17, 2017 Award Winner: Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU Book Title: Innovations in General Purpose Technology: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers in the U.S. and Japan Website for the Academic Association for Organizational Science http://www.aaos.or.jp/contents/world/us.html http://www.aaos.or.jp/contents/news/?page=2                (In Japanese) http://www.yuhikaku.co.jp/books/detail/9784641164697 (In Japanese)

Business Review Vol.65 No.1 SUM. 2017

Vol.65 No.1 SUM. 2017 (In Japanese)     A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc.   Scientific Sources of Innovation: Beyond the Myth of Nobel Prize Shinichi Akaike / Yasushi Hara “Nobel Prize in the Context of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in Japan” Yasushi Hara / Yukihiro Kabeya / Amane Koizumi “There Is the Light That Never Fades Away: An Empirical Analysis for Nobel Prize Laureates” Hiromi Saito / Kanetaka Maki “Star Scientists: The Engine of Innovation in Japan” Amane Koizumi / Masashi Shirabe “How We Measure Research Performance…

Forum 2017.6.8 Yu Jiang

Innovation Forum 2017.6.8 Yu Jiang Topic:“China’s Information Infrastructure and Innovation Efforts under the Globalization” Speaker: Yu Jiang(Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Date:June 8th (Thursday)  2017from 14:10 ~ 14:50 Place: 601 room of the 6th floor of the Faculty Building 2 Organizer: Byeongwoo Kang

Forum 2017.5.31 Jean-Baptiste Marc Litrico

Innovation Forum 2017.5.31 Jean-Baptiste Marc Litrico Topic:“Industry Ethos and Corporate Response to Institutional Pressures: Naturalizing Sustainability in Aviation” Speaker:Jean-Baptiste Marc Litrico(Associate Professor, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University/Visiting Associate Professor, IIR, Hitotsubashi University) Date:May 31st (Wednesday)  2017from 12:40 ~ 14:30 Place: 601 room of the 6th floor of the Faculty Building 2 Organizer: Masaru Karube

Business Review Vol.64 No.4 SPR. 2017

Vol.64 No.4 SPR. 2017 (In Japanese)     A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Innovation Research Frontier for the Next 20 Years Joel Baker Malen“Innovation for a Circular Economy” Kentaro Nobeoka“Changes of Customer Value into Tacit Nature” Yaichi Aoshima“Revolution of Industries Driven by Digital Innovation: Unstabilized Product Boundaries” Masaru Karube“A New Perspective on Innovation:   Marginality and Anomaly” Toshihiro Nishiguchi“Networks for What?” Seiichiro Yonekura“No Crazy Entrepreneurs, No New Companies” Atsushi Ohyama“Roles of Incentives in Innovative Activity” Hiroshi Shimizu“Innovation Is Becoming Low Hanging Fruit?” Manabu Eto“How the Japanese Government Should Support Innovation?” Yoshimi Okada“Patent System Reform: Redesigning the…

Professor Emeritus Toshihiro Nishiguchi Receives the Shoko Research Institute’s Annual Award for Outstanding Studies on Small Business

Toshihiro Nishiguchi, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University, has received the Shoko Research Institute’s (SRI) prestigious Annual Award for Outstanding Studies on Small Business. This award is offered to a selection of outstanding books and journal articles that achieve excellence in small-business research. Professor Nishiguchi’s new book, titled Community Capital: The Prosperity and Limits of China’s Wenzhou Entrepreneurial Networks (in Japanese, Yuhikaku, 2016, 458 pp., coauthored with Professor Motoko Tsujita), has won the Main (as opposed to Next-rank) Prize of the SRI’s Award. A product of twelve years of research, hundreds of field visits, and more than seven hundred interviews with Wenzhou and other Chinese entrepreneurs in nineteen countries, including China,…

Forum 2017.2.16 Charles J. McMillan

Innovation Forum 2017.2.16 Charles J. McMillan Topic:“The Planning Strategy of Strategic Planning:Orientation, Time Constraints, Decisions, Action: Case Studies from Military, Business, and Political Theory” Speaker:Charles J. McMillan(Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University) Date:February 16th (Thursday)  2017from 13:30 ~ 15:00 Place: 709 room of the 7th floor of the Faculty Building 2 Abstract:Business journals, business school scholars, and strategic management societies focus on a range of themes, frameworks, and endogenous organizational factors that shape and influence firm strategies. From resource-based theories, dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurial  vision, the research literature is diverse, fractionated, and often devoid of realism of strategy in action, with clever tools of networks, deep learning, time management based on timing,…