Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Business Review Vol.65 No.3 WIN. 2017

Vol.65 No.3 WIN. 2017 (In Japanese)   A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc. Corporate Governance Reform in Japan: Transforming from “Form” to “Substance” Kunio Ito “Review and Next Action Plan of Corporate Governance Reform in Japan” Kazuhiro Takei “Realization of Effective and Growth-oriented Corporate Governance” Scott Callon / Kenichiro Yoshida “Japanese Corporate Governance: Reform Progress and Ongoing Challenges” Ungyong Shu “Discipline for M&A Strategy” Kunio Ito / Tetsuyuki Kagaya / Tomohiro Suzuki / Takuma Kochiyama “Empirical Study on Real Effects of Corporate Governance Reform in Japan” Masaharu Hanazaki “Reexamination…

Forum 2018.1.24 Cornelia Lawson

Innovation Forum 2018.1.24 Cornelia Lawson Topic: “Citizens of Somewhere: Examining the Geography of Foreign and Native-born Academics’ Engagement with External Actors” Speaker: Cornelia Lawson (Prize Fellow, University of Bath) Date: January 24th (Wednesday)  2018 from 14:00 ~ 15:30 Place:  IIR Laboratory 2 (Room #219) of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:  Kentaro Nobeoka

Professor Emeritus Toshihiro Nishiguchi Receives the Tadao Kiyonari’s JASVE Award, in addition to the Shoko Research Institute’s Annual Award for Outstanding Studies on Small Business

Toshihiro Nishiguchi, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University, has won the Tadao Kiyonari’s JASVE (The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs) Award, in addition to the Shoko Research Institute’s (SRI) prestigious Annual Award for Outstanding Studies on Small Business received earlier this year. The JASVE Award is offered to an outstanding book and a journal article that achieve excellence in small-business and entrepreneurship research. Professor Nishiguchi’s new book, titled Community Capital: The Prosperity and Limits of China’s Wenzhou Entrepreneurial Networks (in Japanese, Yuhikaku, 2016, 458 pp., coauthored with Professor Motoko Tsujita), has won the JASVE’s Book-section Award. A product of twelve years of research, hundreds of field visits, and more…

Forum 2017.12.27 Takumi Shimizu

Innovation Forum 2017.12.27 Takumi Shimizu Topic:“Coordinating collective framing processes with heterogeneous actors in technology standard development: A Topic Modeling Approach” Speaker:Takumi Shimizu(Ph.D Candidate, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University) Date:December 27th (Wednesday)  2017from 12:40 ~ 14:10 Place: IIR Laboratory 2 (Room #219) of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Professor Yaichi Aoshima received Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award

Professor Yaichi Aoshima received Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award Organization: The Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award:  Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award Date:  October 28, 2017 Award Winner: Professor Yaichi AOSHIMA (with Professor Kazunari MATSUSHIMA and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)) Website for the Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management http://jsrpim.jp/wp/?page_id=1987 http://jsrpim.jp/wp/?page_id=648 (In Japanese)

Forum 2017.10.25 Evan W. Lauteria

Innovation Forum 2017.10.25 Evan W. Lauteria Topic: “The Cultural Foundations of Institutional Divergence: A Study of Nintendo and SEGA’s ‘Console Wars’” Speaker: Evan W. Lauteria (PhD Student, University of California Davis) Date: October 25th (Wednesday)  2017 from 12:40 ~ 14:10 Place:  Director’s room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:  Hiroshi Shimizu

Business Review Vol.65 No.2 AUT. 2017

Vol.65 No.2 AUT. 2017 (In Japanese)     A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc.   Paradigm Shift of the Healthcare Policy and Management Youhei Ikeda “Japan Changing by the Healthcare Policy” Makio Kitazawa “Hospital Management: Reality and Solution” Michiko Moriyama “Strengthening the Functions of Health Insurers and Building Collaboration with Healthcare Providers” Hidemi Todoriki “Community-based Food Education and Health Promotion from Perspective of Longevity Reproduction by Food in Okinawa” Hiroki Hayashi “Business Model of the Innovative Company Leading the Healthcare Policy” Hiromasa Sakaguchi “Development of Health Care Administration in…

Forum 2017.12.6 Ravi Madhavan

Innovation Forum 2017.12.6 Ravi Madhavan Topic:“The Evolution of Systems Integration Capability in China: Case Studies in Nuclear Power and Commercial Aircraft” Speaker:Ravi Madhavan(Professor, The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh) Date:December 6th (Wednesday)  2017from 12:40 ~ 14:10 Place: Director’s room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU received the 33rd Annual Takamiya Award for Best Book from the Academic Association for Organizational Science

Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU received the 33rd Annual Takamiya Award for Best Book from the Academic Association for Organizational Science Organization: The Academic Association for Organizational Science Award:  Takamiya Award for Best Book Date:  June 17, 2017 Award Winner: Professor Hiroshi SHIMIZU Book Title: Innovations in General Purpose Technology: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers in the U.S. and Japan Website for the Academic Association for Organizational Science http://www.aaos.or.jp/contents/world/us.html http://www.aaos.or.jp/contents/news/?page=2                (In Japanese) http://www.yuhikaku.co.jp/books/detail/9784641164697 (In Japanese)