Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Report on the SSE and Hitotsubashi Joint Symposium on Innovation Ecosystem

The SSE and Hitotsubashi Joint Symposium on Innovation Ecosystem -A Key to Successful Innovation: Lessons from Swedish and Japanese Start-up Practices- was held at the National Center of Science Building (Gakujutsu Sogo Center), on May 16, 2019. The symposium was jointly organized by The Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University and The House of Innovation (HOI) and the European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with Toyokeizai, Business Forum, HUB FinTech Forum and IMPP. Although held on a weekday, the symposium enjoyed the participation of more than 100 visitors and received positive reviews. The program of the SSE and Hitotsubashi Joint Symposium can be accessed from…

SSE and Hitotsubashi joint Symposium on Innovation Ecosystem 2019.5.16

SSE and Hitotsubashi joint Symposium on Innovation Ecosystem -A Key to Successful Innovation: Lessons from Swedish and Japanese Start-up Practices- Date: May 16th, 2019 Time: 10:30 to 16:30Venue:National Center of Science Building (Gakujutsu Sogo Center), 2nd floor(2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan) Jointly Organized by:The Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi UniversityThe House of Innovation (HOI) and the European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics In Collaboration with:Toyokeizai, HUB FinTech Forum, Business Forum and IMPP Participation Fee:8,000 yen Registration Page:Please register through the following website (only in Japanese).https://www.b-forum.net/event/jp1021jeaf/ Simultaneous Interpretation:Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is available. In today’s turbulent business environment, where geographical and industrial boundaries are disappearing along with the distinction between incumbent and…

International Symposium “Female Entrepreneurs Unlocking the Future” 2017.3.9

■ International Symposium “Female Entrepreneurs Unlocking the Future” Date: March 9, 2017 Place: Hitotsubashi University Josuikai Centennial Hall  Program 14:00 Opening Remarks Fumiya Kamikawaji, Head, Japan Gaza Innovation Challenge Fumiya Kamikawaji Chair of Japan Gaza Innovation Challenge (JGIC) 14:05 Keynote Lecture – Female Entrepreneurs Unlocking the Future Seiichiro Yonekura, Professor, IIR 14:45 Presentation by Entrepreneurs Ms. Febriarti Khairunnisa, Founder and owner, Bintang Sejahtera Ms. Majd Almashharawi, Founder & CEO, Green Cake Ms. Amal Abdelraof Abu Moailqe, Founder & CEO, Sketch Engineering Ms. Yuriko Murakami, Founder & CEO, Her BEST Ms. Jennifer Shigoli, Founder & CEO, Malkia Investments Co & Ltd., Malkia Industries and TIM (Tanzania Institute of Manufacturing) 16:00 Panel…

International Symposium on Social Inclusion 2016.11.10

International Symposium on Social Inclusion: Experiences from Bangladesh (featuring former Governor of Bangladesh Central Bank) Date: 10 Nobember, 2016Time: 10:30 to 12:30Venue: Hitotsubashi University       Josuikai Centennial Hall    ( 2-1Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan) Entry: Form Program:10:30 Opening Remarks Seiichiro Yonekura, Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University 10:35-11:05 Topic 1 : “Financial Inclusion: Experience from Bangladesh”Dr. Atiur Rahman, Professor of Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka and former Governor of Central Bank of Bangladesh. 11:05-11:35 Topic 2: “Microfinance and Socio-economic Development”Dr. Mohammed Abu Eusuf, Professor and Chairman, Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka. 11:35-12:05 Topic 3: “e-Education and Social Innovation in Bangladesh”Md. Imran Hossain Bhuiyan Lecturer, Department…

Symposium “Innovation Power of Small Countries” 2015.2.27

Symposium “Innovation Power of Small Countries” 2015.2.27 Organized by theInstitute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University Date: 27 February, 2015Time: 13:00 pm to 17:30 pmVenue: National Center of Science Building, 2nd Floor (Gakujutsu Sogo Center)    (Chiyoda Campus of Hitotsubashi University,      2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan)Objective:To expand the knowledge and develop the idea for innovation management and Innovation policy making.  Program: 13.00 Opening and Welcome Professor NOBEOKA, Kentaro (Director, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) 13.10 Keynote SpeechTitle: Strategies of A Small Nation (Singapore) in Technological Innovation: Global Partnership and Talent DevelopmentProfessor HANG, Chang Chieh (National University of Singapore) 14:00Preliminary Title:Dr. BAUMANN, Caroline (Head of Economic and Financial Affairs, Embassy…

Incentives and Knowledge for Pharmaceutical Innovation 2013.09.26

Incentives and Knowledge for Pharmaceutical Innovation:Industry-University-Government Collaborative Workshop Date and time September 26 (Thursday), 2013 from 13:00 to 18:00Venue Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Commerce and Management Department, Liaison Laboratory (The first floor of Gakujutsu Sogo Center, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8439,http://www.ics.hit-u.ac.jp/campus/directions-maps ) Jointly Organized by Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and Japan Bioindustry AssociationSupported by Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Objective:This workshop focuses how incentives and knowledge matter for introducing innovative drugs in market. It invites Prof. Mark Schankerman of LSE to present key findings from his ongoing research on “Global Diffusion of New…

Symposium of university-industry-government collaborative research on innovation process2013.3.15

Symposium of university-industry-government collaborative research on innovation process Day:    March 15th, 2013 Time:   9:20 to 18:30Venue: Conference M+ “Success”, the first floor of Mitsubishi Building (http://www.marunouchi-hc.jp/emplus/access.html) Organizer: Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi UniversityJoint hosting: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA), Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA)Sponsorship: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) This symposium aims at discussing the management and policy design to enhance the innovation capability in Japan, based on the findings from the program of University-industry-government collaborative research on innovation process, especially focusing on the semiconductor and bio/pharmaceutical industries. The researches have been supported…

(symposium)APROS-15 Conference 2013.2.14-17

APROS-15 Conference APROS-15 Conference “Re-Covering Organizations” We are pleased to announce that Hitotsubashi University hosts the APROS-15 Conference on February 14-17, 2013.  APROS was created in Australia in 1982 and currently is hosted by CMOS (the Centre for Management and Organization Studies) in the Faculty of Business, University of Technology, Sydney. APROS has been developing a multidisciplinary network of Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies, being associated with EGOS (the European Group for Organization Studies).  The upcoming APROS-15 conference is held in Japan after 20-year absence and we welcome researchers interested in Organization Studies. APROS-15 Organizing Team Local Tsuyoshi Numagami (Conference Chair), Hitotsubashi University Toshihiko Kato, Hitotsubashi University Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi…

Label Lists IIR

### Label Lists IIR ### * INFORMATION   IIR News * CONFERENCE AND FORUM   Symposium  Forum  Conference * RESEARCH OUTCOME   Video Library  IIR Library  Hitotsubashi Buisiness Review  Annual Report * RESEARCHERS   Research Profile * RESEARCH Activities   i/g/a Collaboration  magicc  Science for Policy

Second Asia – Pacific Innovation Conference 2011.5.3

■ Program for Second Asia – Pacific Innovation Conference  National University of Singapore together with Hitotsubashi University is pleased to host the Second Asia‐Pacific Innovation Conference, in collaboration with a consortium of the universities and other academic institutions, the WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization) and the RIETI (the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry). The conference will bring together scholars, including doctoral students, working on the economics, management and law of innovation. It will foster an inter‐disciplinary exchange of knowledge. Sessions will include contributed papers, keynote presentations and panel discussions. Local Organizers Ivan Png, National University of Singapore Sadao Nagaoka, Hitotsubashi University Reiko Aoki, Hitotsubashi University Poh Kam Wong,…