Vol.63 No.2 AUT. 2015 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Strength amd Risk of Family Business Akihiro Okumura “On Theories of Familly Business: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” Shigeru Asaba“Family Business Research in Japan” Wiwattanakantang Yupana / Jungwook Shin“Family Business in Post War Japan: Empirical Eudience from Publicly Traded Firms from 1962-2000(IPO Year)” Hirokazu Hasegawa / Takashi Yoneda“Importance of Growth Stages and Governance in the Family Business” Makoto Ohsawa“Strength and Issues of Japanese Family Businesses: Family Charter and Family Office as a Powerful Solution” Hidekazu Sone“Learn from the Wisdom of hte World’s Oldest Business Firm Kongo-gumi: Prerequisites for Longevity from the Aspect…