Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

International Workshop on Science Sources of Innovation 2014.3.17

International Workshop on Science Sources of Innovation Date and time: March 17th (Monday), 2014,  from 10:30 to 17:45 Venue: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) Main Conference Room (16B) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 16th Floor, Central Government Building No.7 East Wing 3-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Jointly Organized by Hitotsubashi University (Institute of Innovation Research), NISTEP (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) and RIETI (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry) Objective: This research workshop focuses on the process of science based innovation as well as policies for promoting the synergy between the two. It invites a leading scholar on Innovation Economics,…

Forum2014.1.29 Dr. Laszlo Gyorgy

Innovation Forum 2014.1.29 Dr. Laszlo Gyorgy Topic: “Hungary’s Prospects in View of Hungarian Economic Policy:1970-2010” Speaker: Dr. Laszlo Gyorgy (Lecturer, Budapest University of Technology and Economic,Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences) Date: January 29 (Wednesday)  2014 from 16:00 pm  Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Seiichiro Yonekura

Forum2014.2.5 Joel Baker Malen

Innovation Forum 2014.2.5 Joel Baker Malen Topic:“Organizational Slack, National Corporate Governance Institutions andFirm Innovation Efforts Around the World” Speaker:Joel Baker Malen,   (Assistant Professor of Hitotsubashi University) Date:February 5 (Wednesday)  201412:15 pm to 13:45 pm Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Hiroshi Shimizu

Forum2014.01.22 Roy Nyberg

Innovation Forum 2014.01.22  Roy Nyberg Topic:“From a Lean to a Rich View of Innovation: Case Evidence fromthe Emergence of Mobile Health” ‘The concept of innovation tends to be used to describe advances intechnology and service concepts. For example, Christensen (1997) hasmade an argument of ‘disruptive innovation’, in which he has claimedthat the primary factor to explain change from existing technicalarrangements to new solutions is in product features. I argue that thisis a lean view of innovation, and I make a case for a richer view, whichI draw from my research on the emergence of mobile health. The last fewyears have seen increasing public talk of mobile technology use inhealth care…

Business Review Vol.61 No.3 WIN. 2013

Vol.61 No.3 WIN. 2013 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese, which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BY Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research PUBLISHED BY Toyo Keizai Inc. Assessment of Industry-University Collaboration in Japan: Toward New Combinations Yasunori Baba / Naohiro Shichijo / Masaru Yarime “Challenge of Pasteur Scientists for Innovation: A Case of Photocatalyst” Yasushi Hara / Yoshiyuki Ohsugi “Actemra and Remicade : Key Factors to Determine First Mover Advantage in R&D Process of Both Antibody Drugs” Naohiro Shichijo / Junichi Murata / Shinichi Akaike / Atsushi Ogasawara “Absorptive Company: Sources of R&D Capability in Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.” Takahiro Ueyama “Cross-Bounding Knowledge: Learning from America’s Experience of Industry…

Forum2013.11.28 Mitsuru Igami 

Innovation Forum 2013.11.28 Mitsuru Igami Topic:“Patent Statistics as Innovation Indicators?  Hard Evidence” Speaker: Mitsuru Igami(Assistant Professor, Yale University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Economics) Date:November 29th (Thursday)  2013from 16:00 ~ 18:00 Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Taiju Kitano

Seminar2013.11.19 Mikolaj Jan Piskorski

Innovation Seminar 2013.11.19 Professor Mikolaj Jan Piskorski Topic:“A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media” Speaker:Professor  Mikolaj Jan Piskorski,  Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School Date:November 19 (Tuesday)  201316:00 pm to 18:00 pm Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Toshihiro Nishiguchi

Incentives and Knowledge for Pharmaceutical Innovation 2013.09.26

Incentives and Knowledge for Pharmaceutical Innovation:Industry-University-Government Collaborative Workshop Date and time September 26 (Thursday), 2013 from 13:00 to 18:00Venue Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Commerce and Management Department, Liaison Laboratory (The first floor of Gakujutsu Sogo Center, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8439,http://www.ics.hit-u.ac.jp/campus/directions-maps ) Jointly Organized by Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and Japan Bioindustry AssociationSupported by Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Objective:This workshop focuses how incentives and knowledge matter for introducing innovative drugs in market. It invites Prof. Mark Schankerman of LSE to present key findings from his ongoing research on “Global Diffusion of New…

International research workshop on science-based innovation 2013.10.01

International research workshop on science-based innovation (Preliminary) Date and time: October 1st (Tuesday) from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm Venue: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) Main Conference Room (16B) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 16th Floor, Central Government Building No.7 East Wing 3-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Jointly Organized by Hitotsubashi University (Institute of Innovation Research ) and NISTEP (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) Objective: This research workshop focuses on the process of science-based innovation as well as policies for promoting the synergy between the two. It invites Prof. Massimo G. Colombo, Full Professor of Economics of Innovation of Politecnico di…

Forum2013.09.18 Israel Drori

Innovation Forum 2013.09.18  Professor Israel Drori Topic:“The evolution of new Industry, a genealogical approach” Speaker:Professor  Israel Drori,  Professor, School of Business, College of management Academic Studies, Israel (Visiting Professor of Hitotsubashi University) Date:September 18 (Wednesday)  201316:00 pm to 17:30 pm Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Masaru Karube