Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Business Review Vol.62 No.4 SPR. 2015

Vol.62 No.4 SPR. 2015 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Design Engineering: It Is Not the Alternative of “Function or Design” Kentaro Nobeoka / Megumi Kimura / Atsushi Osanai “Creation of Design Value: Toward Integration of Design and  Engineering” Shunji Yamanaka“The Age of Design Engineering” Kinya Tagawa” Practice of Design Engineering” Yuichi Washida“Multinational Comparison of Designer’s Roll in Bsuiness Process: US-Japan-China Comparison Survey Result” Atsushi Akiike / Tohru (Kobayashi) Yoshioka“Creating Excellent Industrial Designs by Multidisciplinary Engineers and Industrial Designers: An Empirical Study on  Japanese Digital Camera Manufacturers” Yukari Nagai“Design Knowledge to Lead Engineering…

Forum2015.4.15 Min, Jungwon

Innovation Forum 2015.4.15 Min, Jungwon Topic:“Sensitivity of Alliance Termination to Pre-Alliance Formation Conditions: Expectation Effects of Alliance Partners” Speaker:Min, Jungwon (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University) Date:April 15th (wednesday)  2015from 17:00 ~ 18:30 Place: Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Masaru Karube

Symposium “Innovation Power of Small Countries” 2015.2.27

Symposium “Innovation Power of Small Countries” 2015.2.27 Organized by theInstitute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University Date: 27 February, 2015Time: 13:00 pm to 17:30 pmVenue: National Center of Science Building, 2nd Floor (Gakujutsu Sogo Center)    (Chiyoda Campus of Hitotsubashi University,      2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan)Objective:To expand the knowledge and develop the idea for innovation management and Innovation policy making.  Program: 13.00 Opening and Welcome Professor NOBEOKA, Kentaro (Director, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) 13.10 Keynote SpeechTitle: Strategies of A Small Nation (Singapore) in Technological Innovation: Global Partnership and Talent DevelopmentProfessor HANG, Chang Chieh (National University of Singapore) 14:00Preliminary Title:Dr. BAUMANN, Caroline (Head of Economic and Financial Affairs, Embassy…

Workshop on the Disclosure Function of the Patent System 2015.3.7

Workshop on the Disclosure Function of the Patent System 2015.3.7 Date: March 7th (Saturday) 2015 Time: 13:00 pm to 17:30 pm Venue: First Floor of National Center of Sciences Building (Gakujutsu Sogo Center) (Chiyoda Campus of Hitotsubashi University, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan)) About a 4-minute walk from Exit 1b of Takebashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Subway Tozai Line Preliminary Program: 13:00  Keynote speeches  (40 minutes each, 20 minutes Q&A) Chair    Sadao Nagaoka (1) “Do inventors value secrecy in patenting? Evidence from the American Inventor’s Protection Act of 1999,” Stuart GRAHAM, Georgia Institute of Technology and USPTO (2) “Patent systems and citation metrics,” Bruno VAN POTTELSBERGHE, Dean, Solvay Business…

Business Review Vol.62 No.3 WIN. 2014

Vol.62 No.3 WIN. 2014 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Innovation Power of Small Strong Countries: Why Japan Lose? Manabu Eto “Swiss Innovation Power Based on Human Skill Management” Chihiro Watanabe“Institutional Sources of Innovation in Singapore: Similarity and Disparity with Finland” Mika Yasuoka “Danish Strategic Participatory Design Approach for Innovation and Creativity: Nordic Culture, Social Structure and Strategic Methodology for Its High Productivity” Munehiko Ito / Kimitaka Nishitani / Yoichi Matsumoto / Salena Watanabe “Food Valley in the Netherlands: Food Cluster of a Little Agripower” Isamu Nakashima “The Two Aspects of Israel:…

Workshop on Knowledge, IPRs and Innovation 2014.11.16

Workshop on Knowledge, IPRs and Innovation Date: November 16th (Sunday) 2014 Venue: Expert-Club (Kasumigaseki Common Gate Shop & Restaurant Annex 1F, 3-2-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku) http://www.kk2.ne.jp/kk2/ex_club_web/ Start time is changed 15:00 Open 15:30 to 17:00 1. Presentations by Japanese scholars Chair  Dietmar Harhoff, Professor and Director for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research,   Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (1) Tetsuo Wada, Gakushuin University, “Quality Comparison of International Search Reports” (2) Yoshimi Okada, Hitotsubashi University, “Effect of early patent disclosure on knowledge dissemination: Evidence from the impact of introducing Pre-Grant Publication System in the United States” (3) Isamu Yamauchi, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, “Use of science for inventions and its…

Forum2014.12.24 Michele Ruiters

Innovation Forum 2014.12.24 Michele Ruiters Topic: “Mitigating Risk in Post-Conflict Finance in Africa: A sustainable development finance opportunity” Speaker: Michele Ruiters   (Visiting Associate Professor, IIR / Regional Integration Specialist, Knowledge Management and Innovation, Strategy Division, Development Bank of Southern Africa) Date: December 24th (wednesday)  2014 (Date Changed) from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Forum2014.10.22 Takuto Shishido

Innovation Forum 2014.10.22 Takuto Shishido Topic: “Why Extroverts Make Friends with People from Other Cultures at Workplaces: The Role of Psychological Diversity Climate” Speaker: Takuto Shishido   (Lecturer, Musashino University) Date: October 22nd (wednesday)  2014 from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Hiroshi Shimizu

Forum2014.10.15 Stefan Wagner

Innovation Forum 2014.10.15 Stefan Wagner Topic: “Public goods, patent thickets and conflict resolution” Speaker: Stefan Wagner   (Associate Professor, ESMT European School of Management and Technology) Date: October 15th (wednesday)  2014 from 12:15 ~ 13:45 Place:  Conference room of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Sadao Nagaoka

Business Review Vol.62 No.2 AUT. 2014

Vol.62 No.2 AUT. 2014 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice. EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Startups and IPO: Why Do Japanese Startups Stall after IPO? Kenji Kutsuna “Growth Dynamics of Firms after the IPO” Kazuhiko Yamamoto / Ryo Okubo “New Venture Valuation” Yuki Watanabe “The Impact of Managerial Ownership on Firm Value in High Growth Firms: An Empirical  Analysis Focusing on Founder-CEOs” Akira Kiyota“IPO Market in Japan: Current Situation and TSE’s Actions” Yoshiaki Ishii“Japan’s New Venture Business Policy: Programs for Fostering Entrepreneurship and Venture Ecosystem” Mikiharu Noma“Search for Corporate Venture Capital, Innovation, and Firm Value” ●Critical Eyes: Social Networks…