Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Forum 2024.4.19 Emilene Leite

Topic:“Global versus local CSR strategies to re(gain) legitimacy after a socio-ecological disaster: The case of Vale’ in Brumadinho (Brazil)” Speaker:Dr. Emilene Leite(Senior Lecturer, Örebro University, Sweden) Date:April 19 (Friday), 2024from 15:30 to 16:30 Venue:onsiteIIR Meeting Space (Room#216) of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer:Padrón-Hernández, Ivar This forum is jointly organized by MIC (Management Innovation Research Center), Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study. Abstract:Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are acknowledged as influential agents in advancing the United Nation’s (UN’s) Agenda 2030 through their ability to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) internationally. However, we can also learn from the mistakes of MNEs whose actions caused socio-ecological harm in their host countries. This…

Brown bag lunch seminar 2024.4.4 Hideto Koizumi

Topic:“How Much of Merit Is Due to Luck? Evidence on the Butterfly Effect of Luck” Speaker:Hideto Koizumi(Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry) Date:April 4 (Thursday), 2024from 12:40 to 13:40 Venue:onsiteIIR Meeting Space (Room#216) of the second floor of the IIR building (onsite) Organizer:Masaru Karube This forum is jointly organized by MIC (Management Innovation Research Center), Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study. Deadline:9:00, April 4, 2024 For registration, please click on “IIR Brown bag lunch seminar ” below IIR Brown bag lunch seminar

New Visiting Professor

Prof. JENSEN, Paul HenryVisiting Professor, Institute of Innovation Research (2024.2.27 – 2024.5.29)Professor, University of Melbourne https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/profile/23997-paul-jensen ▶ Researcher Profile

New Visiting Researcher

Prof. Braguinsky, Serguey Visiting researcher, Institute of Innovation Research (2024.1.11 – 2024.5.31)Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland https://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/directory/serguey-braguinsky ▶ Researcher Profile

Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Assistant Professor and Junya Kataoka, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, received Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award

Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Assistant Professor and Junya Kataoka, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, received Best Paper Award at 38th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management. Organization: Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award: Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Best Paper Award Date: October 29, 2023 Award Winner: Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi (Assistant Professor, IIR) Junya Kataoka (Specially Appointed Assistant professor, IIR) Kazuki Yokota (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University) Sotaro Shibayama (The University of Tokyo) Mari Kawamura (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) Article Title: “What increases job satisfaction of doctoral graduates? An empirical study of effects of…

Forum 2023.12.14 Ramya K Murthy

Topic:“Digital Platform Ecosystem Design: A Configurational Approach to Understanding Heterogeneity in Platform Meta-Organizations” Speaker:Ramya K Murthy(Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) Date:December 14 (Thursday), 2023from 14:00 to 15:00 Form of Presentation:Online (ZOOM) Organizer:Padrón-Hernández, Ivar This forum is jointly organized by MIC (Management Innovation Research Center), Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study. Abstract:Platform ecosystem design is vital to attract participants and gain popularity. But, how do the various design elements combine across different types of ecosystems and at different stages of the ecosystem lifecycle? To address this question, we build a configurational model of digital platform design encompassing organization design levers of formal structure, sorting mechanisms, and implementation rights. Using fuzzy-set…

Forum 2023.11.15 Israr Qureshi

Topic: “Digitally Enabled Social Intermediation: A Research Framework” Speaker: Israr Qureshi (Professor, The Research School of Management, Australian National University) Date: November 15 (Wednesday), 2023 from 16:00 to 17:30 Venue: onsite IIR Laboratory 2 (Room#219) of the second floor of the IIR building Organizer: Masaru Karube This forum is jointly organized by MIC (Management Innovation Research Center), Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study. Abstract: Research on information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D), now commonly referred to as digital development, has faced challenges in effectively engaging with marginalized communities at the base of the pyramid (BoP) and aiding practitioners in achieving their developmental goals. Most research conducted in this field fails…

Brown bag lunch seminar 2023.11.15 Lee, Kidong

Brown bag lunch seminar 2023.11.15 Lee, Kidong Topic:“Transformation of the Automobile Industries on Societal Impacts -Inroads of Self-Driving Machines” Speaker:Lee, Kidong(Professor, Incheon National University/Visiting Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) Date:November 15 (Wednesday), 2023from 12:45 to 13:45 Venue:onsiteIIR Meeting Space (Room#216) of the second floor of the IIR building (onsite) Organizer:Aoshima, Yaichi This forum is jointly organized by MIC (Management Innovation Research Center), Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study. Deadline:9:00, November 15, 2023 For registration, please click on “IIR Brown bag lunch seminar ” below IIR Brown bag lunch seminar

AAOS (The Academic Association for Organizational Science) Online Seminar 2023.11.1 Gazi Islam, Ph.D.

AAOS (The Academic Association for Organizational Science) Online Seminar 2023.11.1 Gazi Islam, Ph.D. Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 16:00-17:30 (The online connection will be available from 15:40) Title: “Management Research and Social Value” Speaker: Gazi Islam, Ph.D. Affiliation: Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Ethics Form of Presentation: Online (Zoom) Advance Registration: Required (Please register by 15:00 on Tuesday, October 31 at the following “CLICK HERE”. The zoom URL will be sent to participants’ e-mail addresses at 10:00 on the day of the seminar, November 1). CLICK HERE Related URL: https://en.grenoble-em.com/annuaire/gazi-islam Abstract: Research in Management and Organization Studies (MOS) has been increasingly concerned with issues of social relevance…