Brown bag lunch seminar 2024.9.10 Ilir Haxhi
Date:September 10 (Tuesday), 2024from 12:40 to 14:00 Topic:“After the Collapse: Spontaneous Institutionalization and the Emergence of Market Institutions” Abstract:We explore how, and under which conditions, market institutions can spontaneously arise after an institutional collapse. Drawing on emergence theory, we develop a multi-level model of institutional emergence after an extreme collapse, where only the individuals’ memories remain from pre-collapse institutions. We start with individuals seeking to transact, looking to decrease cost and increase trust in their transactions. At the micro-level, the multiplication of transactions can trigger processes of amplification-convergence and cancelation, through an activity- and a cultural-cognitive-based driver of institutionalization. At the meso-level, these processes result in the spontaneous emergence of…