Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research

Business Review Vol.55 No.1, SUM. 2007

Vol.55 No.1, SUM. 2007 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. The Theory of New Gemba-Power Isao Endo “Gemba-Power as Fundamental Organizational Capability: Pursuing Capability-based Management” Takahiro Fujimoto “Design-Based Comparative Advantage: A “Monodukuri” Perspective” Takao Nakazawa “Good Small Companies can Encourage Persons to Be Skillful” Mitsuhiro Seki “Future of Manufacturing and Japanese Small Firms” Ukai Shinichi “SMEs Forging the Future” ●Column “The Last Words of Professor Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.(1)”  Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. ●An Invitation to Network Thinking  Toshihiko Nishiguchi (5) ●Business Cases  Ken Kusunoki/Miyuki Igarashi ”Triumph International(JAPAN) Ltd. Wacoal Corp.”  Osamu Suzuki ”IRI-Ubiteq,…

Business Review Vol.54 No.4, SPR. 2007

Vol.54 No.4, SPR. 2007 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. New Era for Science Innovation Masataka Hirose “Science-Driven Invention and Innovation in the Field of Semiconductor R&D” Hiroyuki Chuma/Norikazu Hashimoto “Moore’s Law, Increasing Complexities, and Limits of Organization: Modern Implication of Japanese DRAM Era” Takahide Inoue “Microelectronics for Better Society: Emerging Role of the Leaky Knowledge Cluster in the Flat World” Hiroyuki Odagiri “Toward a Symbiosis of Open and Closed Sciences: Implication of the National Innovation Survey Results” Koji Kuroda “Harmonization of Science with Sensuousness: 21st Monodukuri Manufacturing Concept” Jun Saito/Masato Hisatake…

Business Review Vol.54 No.3, WIN. 2006

Vol.54 No.3, WIN. 2006 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. New Trends of Risk Control, Management and Governance Kunio Ito/Tetsuyuki Kagaya “Brand Risk Management and Corporate Value” Masayuki Nakao “Learning from Failures: Can You Find the Similar Failure Knowledge in the Database?” Hyo Kambayashi “How Risk Management and Internal Control would Support Corporate Governance?: From Recent Legislations on Internal Control” Shuji Kawaguchi “Information Security Governance” Hiroaki Maruya “Business Continuity Management for Overcoming Disasters and Accidents” Nobuyuki Kimata “How the Rating on the Environment Management of the Industries Contribute to the Risk Management?”…

Business Review Vol.54 No.2, AUT. 2006

Vol.54 No.2, AUT. 2006 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Forefront of Services Sciences, Management and Engineering Yoshinori Fujikawa/Carl Kay “Entrepreneurial Approach to Service Innovations: Addressing Changing Lifestyles in Japan” Joji Ono “Managing Services Marketing by Customer Based Approach: Can the Firm Expand the Share of Wallet of Their Customer?” Masahiro Imaeda “Two Different Approaches to Service Management: Advice for Manufacturers” Tamio Arai/Yoshiki Shimomura “How to Accelerate Servicification on Manufacturing Products” Kunihiko Niwa “Service Science: Multidisciplinary Approach for Creating Service” Masakazu Toyoda “Aiming at the Reformation of the Service Policy” Kenichiro Senoh…

Business Review Vol.54 No.1, SUM. 2006

Vol.54 No.1, SUM. 2006 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Scientific Sales Force Management Makoto Matsuo “Learning from Experience: How Salespeople Gain Expertise” Joji Ono “Assessing the Profit-Chain Hypothesis: Which Is the Driver and Customer Behavior that Makes the Customer Relationship More Profitable?” Katsuyoshi Takashima “Fundamental Challenges in Sales Process Redesign” Manabu Ueda “An Attempt to Capture the Behavior Change of a Sales Organization” Takuro Yoda “Exploring the New Role of Brand in Business-to-Business Selling” Hidehiko Nishikawa “A Reassessment of the Theory of Assortment: The Case of MUJI” ●Column “Nexus: Between Knowledge,…

Business Review Vol.53 No.4, SPR. 2006

Vol.53 No.4, SPR. 2006 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Strategies for Escaping from Commoditization Ken Kusunoki “Invisible Dimensions of Competitive Differentiation: Strategies for De-commoditization” Jeffrey L. Funk “De-Commoditization and New Industry Creation” Scott Anthony “Solving the Growth Equation” Masaki Ueno “Dual Nature of Modular Products” Yoshinori Fujikawa “Marketing toward Decommoditization” ●Column  Takahiro Fujimoto ●Management of Decision Making  Katsuhiko Nagase (6) ●Business Cases   Hiroyuki Kuribayashi/Yoshio Ono ”PHOENIX Electric Co., Ltd.”  Hiroshi Shimizu ”Southwest Airlines Co.” ●Management Forum  Yukio Fujimaki (SEVEN & i Life Design Institute) Interviewed by Seiichiro Yonekura ●Porter Prize 2005  Emi Osono ●Critical…

Business Review Vol.53 No.3, WIN. 2005

Vol.53 No.3, WIN. 2005 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Content Businesses of Japan Shuhei Kishimoto “Perspectives of the Japanese Content Industry and the Government’s Policy” Masaru Yamashita “”The Dark Side” in Japanese Film Industry” Ikuya Sato “Publishers and Editors as Gatekeepers” Seiichiro Yonekura/Fumihiko Ikuine “The Home Video-Game Industry in Japan:The Trap of Series Product Strategy” Akira Takeishi/Kyoung-Joo Lee “Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea” Ikujiro Nonaka/Ryoko Toyama “Strategy-as-Phronesis” ●Column  Takahiro Fujimoto ●Management of Decision Making  Katsuhiko Nagase (5) ●Business Cases   Yoko Ishikura ”Ricoh Company, Ltd.”  Yaichi Aoshima ”Terumo Corporation” ●Management Forum  Shigeo…

Business Review Vol.53 No.2, AUT. 2005

Vol.53 No.2, AUT. 2005 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. Management of M&A and Corporate Restructuring Daniel Arturo Heller/Takahiro Fujimoto/Glenn Mercer “The Value of M&A Activity to Enhance Organizational Learning” Ryuji Yasuda “M&A as Tools for Corporate Turnaround Management” Sadao Nagaoka “Do Mergers and Acquisitions Promote Corporate Growth?: Transfer vs. Sharing of Control Right in Japan” Shigeru Asaba “Do Foreign Shareholders Change Japanese Firms?” Noriyuki Yanagawa “Desirable System for M&A in Japan” Noboru Kawahama “Recent Trends in Japanese Merger Enforcement” ●Column  Takahiro Fujimoto ●Management of Decision Making  Katsuhiko Nagase (4) ●Business Cases…

Business Review Vol.53 No.1, SUM. 2005

Vol.53 No.1, SUM. 2005 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. The Start-ups of Japan Tadao Kiyonari “The Contemporary Venture Business” Shingo Igarashi “Trend of Start-ups in Japan” Norihiko Ishiguro “The Industrial Policy on Promotion and Facilitation for New Business” Zenichi Shishido/Yoshiaki Ishii “Creating Business Organization to Stimulate New Industries: Japanese LLPs & LLCs Offer Incentives to Human Capital Providers” Yoshito Hori “What Is Required to Be an Effective Venture Capitalist” ●Column  Takahiro Fujimoto ●Management of Decision Making  Katsuhiko Nagase (3) ●Branding in China  Toshiyuki Yahagi ●Business Cases  Masatoshi Fujiwara/Akira Takeishi ”Kao Corporation”  Manabu…

Business Review Vol.52 No.4, SPR. 2005

Vol.52 No.4, SPR. 2005 (In Japanese) A leading management journal in Japanese,which builds a bridge between theory and practice.EDITED BYHitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation ResearchPUBLISHED BYToyo Keizai Inc. The Frontiers of Business in China Mitsuhiro Seki “What Should Japan Learn from the Entry of Taiwanese IT Firms into China?” Toshihiro Nishiguchi/Motoko Tsujita/Dan Xiu “The Prosperity of Wenzhou and “Small-world” Network” Kenichi Yasumuro “Labor Management within China’s Socio-Economic Conditions” Toshihiro Nishiguchi/Tomofumi Amano/ Changxiang Zhao “The Rapid Growth and Globalization of Chinese Electronics Companies: A Study of Haier” Jianting Fan “The Role of FDI and Technological Transfer in the Chinese Economy” ●Column  Tsuyoshi Numagami ●Management of Decision Making  Katsuhiko Nagase (2) ●Branding…