【ブラウンバッグランチセミナー】2025.2.6 Patrik Ström

2025年2月6日(木)12:40 ~ 14:00

“Japan-EU relations in times of changing geopolitical and geoeconomic dynamics”

The economic partnership agreement (EPA) together with the subsequent strategic partnership agreement (SPA) has laid the foundation for both width and depth in the EU-Japan relationship. Collaboration around the rules-based world order is important for both parties in parallel with facilitating frameworks for digitalization and a transition towards a green economy. In the shadow of the complex and difficult US-China relationship, the foundation for a stronger relationship between the economic and political partners of EU-Japan would be possible for the future. This paper aims to discuss these dynamics and some of the potential areas for collaboration.

Patrik Ström
(Director, European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) and Center for Asian Studies (CAS), Stockholm School of Economics)

Patrik Ström is the Director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) and Center for Asian Studies (CAS) at Stockholm School of Economics. He holds a PhD in Business Administration from Roskilde University, Denmark and an Econ Dr. in Economic Geography from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research is focusing on the development of the advanced service industry and the transformation of economies that are becoming more service and knowledge based. The primary regional focus has been Japan, East Asia, and Latin America as well as the Single Internal Market for services in the EU. Patrik has also been involved in various policy related activities connected to the EU single market for services, such as the High-Level Group on Business Services, where he chaired the working group on internationalization. In addition, Patrik has been involved as an external expert in projects conducted by UNCTAD and the ILO.


一橋大学イノベーション研究センター2階・第2 IIRラボ (Room #219) 

Padrón-Hernández, Ivar(イノベーション研究センター)

社会科学高等研究院マネジメント・イノベーション研究センター (HIAS MIC)

セミナー当日 9:00