Third Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference

Seoul National Universityにおいて2012年10月13-14日に開催されたThird Asia-Pacific Innovation Conferenceでイノベーション研究センターから、5名(長岡、楡井、清水、原、西村)が参加しました。


  • Discovery Process in Science: Findings from the US and Japan Scientists Survey, Sadao Nagaoka, Hitotsubashi University
  • Does the Outsourcing of Prior Art Search Increase the Efficiency of Patent Examination Process? Isamu Yamauchi*, The University of Melbourne and Sadao Nagaoka, Hitotsubashi University


  • Management of Science, Serendipity, and Research Performance: Evidence from Scientists’ Survey in the US and Japan, Kota Murayama*, Makoto Nirei, and Hiroshi Shimizu, Hitotsubashi University


  • Does Collaboration Accelerate R&D? Evidence from a Data-Set, 1955-2012, Hiroshi Shimizu*, Hitotsubashi University and Yusuke Hoshino, Musashino University


  • Knowledge and Rent Spillovers Through Government-Sponsored R&D Consortia, Junichi Nishimura* and Hiroyuki Okamuro*, Hitotsubashi University

  • Continuous and Discontinuous Collaboration in Technological Development: Knowledge Flow Analysis for Disruptive Pharmaceutical Innovation, Yasushi Hara, Hitotsubashi University