“Global versus local CSR strategies to re(gain) legitimacy after a socio-ecological disaster: The case of Vale’ in Brumadinho (Brazil)”
Dr. Emilene Leite
(Senior Lecturer, Örebro University, Sweden)
一橋大学イノベーション研究センター2階・コラボスペース (Room #216)
Padrón-Hernández, Ivar(イノベーション研究センター)
社会科学高等研究院マネジメント・イノベーション研究センター (MIC)
Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are acknowledged as influential agents in advancing the United Nation’s (UN’s) Agenda 2030 through their ability to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) internationally. However, we can also learn from the mistakes of MNEs whose actions caused socio-ecological harm in their host countries. This study delves into MNE’s post-crisis corporate social responsibility (CSR) legitimization strategies, exemplified by Vale’s Córrego do Feijão mine collapse complex in Brazil, which claimed the lives of over 270 people and caused substantial socio-ecological harm. It contributes to growing CSR and MNEs research by emphasizing the importance of local CSR legitimization in post-crisis community recovery. This requires MNEs moving beyond communicating CSR as empty rhetoric from a more pragmatic legitimacy stance, which serves a global legitimisation function, towards MNEs acting upon their CSR promises in local contexts for legitimacy to be re(gained). Additionally, the paper suggests the potential for local crisis events to shape global CSR strategies in industries that positively contribute to the SDGs through the learnings made.
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