“Measuring Societal Impacts of Standards”
Paul Wiegmann
(Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology)
一橋大学イノベーション研究センター1階・第1 IIRラボ
(Room #119)
カン ビョンウ(イノベーション研究センター)
社会科学高等研究院マネジメント・イノベーション研究センター (HIAS MIC)
Society faces existential challenges, such as global warming,
demographic change and digital innovations. Standards help solving
problems and reaping opportunities. They have long been recognised as
important, from technological, business, and economic perspectives,
but clear evidence about their societal impact is still missing.
Against this background, we carried out this project to get a clearer
view of how standards impact society. We conducted a pre-study of 48
standards, reviewed academic literature on standards’ impact and its
measurement. We carried out eight in-depth case studies of particular
standards with 86 expert interviews, relevant documents, and other
sources. We identified the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) as a suitable framework to capture all dimensions of
societal impact, and adapted the “Theory of Change” approach to the
standardisation context to conceptualise how impact occurs. Based on
this, our eight case studies traced how the studied standards affect
society. In two cases, we found demonstrable impacts, whereas six
other cases demonstrated limited impact. From this, we conclude that
standards’ societal impacts depend on their alignment with various
factors in their ecosystems, such as regulatory requirements or their
relationship with other standards.
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