ブラウンバッグランチセミナーのお知らせ 2023年9月13日

“Conflicts between Firms and Communities: A Configurational”
Ilir Haxhi
(Associate Professor of Strategy & International Business,
Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam)
2023年9月13日 (水) 12:40~14:00
一橋大学イノベーション研究センター2階・コラボスペース (Room #216)
軽部 大
一橋大学マネジメント・イノベーション研究センター (MIC)
We explore the intensity of conflicts between firms and their external stakeholders, uncovering the so-far understudied inter-relationships between stakeholders as a key driver of conflict intensity. Grounding our reasoning in stakeholder theory, we develop a configurational approach that explains the interdependent impact of the three sectors of society on conflict intensity. Specifically, we argue that determinants of firms (foreign and/or domestic), civil society (rural versus urban; local stakeholder diversity; international non-profits), and governments (rule of law and economic dependence) interdependently lead to higher or lower conflict intensity. We follow the fuzzy sets (fs/QCA) logic to uncover these patterns through the analysis of a database of 711 socio-environmental extractive industry conflicts in 92 countries. Our results show that no sector-based determinant can explain firm-stakeholder conflict intensity on its own, but that the various sectors must be analyzed together to explain conflict intensity. We find 23 distinct configurations of firm-stakeholder conflicts that can be grouped into eight broad conflict prototypes: six always associated with higher conflict intensity; one always associated with lower intensity; and one associated with either higher or lower intensity, depending on one particular determinant: international non-profits. We conclude with a discussion of our contributions, and managerial and policy implications.
Keywords: Conflicts – Firms – Communities – Extractive industries – Fuzzy-set/QCA