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August 25 Language: Session1:Japanese, Session2~3:English
Opening: 13:30-13:45: Aoshima, Yaichi
Session1: (Chair: Kang)
•13:45-14:25: 六田 充輝
「イノベーションの現場=インサイダーからみたイノベーションのプロセス ~高分子事業での一例~」
•14:25-15:05: 穴井 宏和
Coffee Break: 15:05-15:15
Session 2: (Chair: Yoshioka-Kobayashi)
•15:15-15:55: Inada, Takahiro
“Value creation logic of platform businesses: A comparative case study of the founding process“
•15:55-16:35: Prasetyo, Eko Heru
“Legitimacy Building in the Informal Sectors: Case of Digital-driven Startups in Indonesia”
Coffee Break: 16:35-16:45
Session 3: (Chair: Padrón-Hernández)
Guest Speaker
•16:45-17:45: Asaba, Shigeru
“Strategy Scholar’s Research on Family Firms”
Closing: 17:45-17:50: Kang, Byeongwoo
August 26 Language: English
Session 4: (Chair: Nakajima)
•13:30-14:10: Higham, Kyle
“Patent Quality: Systematic Analysis and Measurement”
•14:10-14:50: Koizumi, Hideto
“The Role of Economic Policies to Human-substituting Innovation”
Coffee Break: 14:50-15:05
Session 5: (Chair: Ohyama)
•15:05-15:45: Eum, Wonsub
“Knowledge in similar economies: Industrial relatedness as a source of knowledge specialization”
•15:45-16:25: Kobayashi, Hideji
“Residual income CAP model to measure competitive advantage period and intangible asset value”
Coffee Break: 16:25-16:40
Session 6: (Chair: Karube)
•16:40-17:20: Krishnan, Ramesh
“The Effect of Repeat Collaboration and Team Size on Organizational Performance: Examining the Moderating Role of Creative Task through Simulation Approach”
•17:20-18:00: Fukumoto, Toshiki & Ito, Chiaki
“‘Mutual affection’: Exploring tactics for initiating a recurring dialogue between practitioners and researchers”
Closing: 18:00-18:15: Aoshima, Yaichi