【イノベーションフォーラム】2019.1.25 Ning Li

イノベーションフォーラムのお知らせ 2019年1月25日


“Social Network Perspectives in Organizational Research: Past, Present, and Future
Ning Li
(Associate Professor, Tippie College of Business, The University of Iowa)

2019年1月25日 (金) 13:00~15:00
一橋大学イノベーション研究センター2階・第2 IIRラボ
(Room #219) 
Over the past decade, social network research has been a powerful 
tool to understand important organizational phenomena spanning
different research areas, such as leadership (Carter, DeChurch, Braun,
& Contractor, 2015), teamwork (Li, Zhao, Walter, Zhang, & Yu, 2015), 
creativity and innovation (Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003), career 
(Seibert, Kraimer, & Liden, 2001), power and influence (Ibarra & 
Andrews, 1993). A social network approach allows organizational scholars 
to capture the complex and dynamic interactions among individuals in the 
workplace and gain a finer grained unders
tanding of the phenomenon of 

interest. Moving forward, with the fast development of information 
technology, modern technologies have transformed the way employees work 
in contemporary organizations. As a result, organizations are 
increasingly using digital collaboration platforms to encourage more 
efficient collaborations among employees. Therefore, social network 
analysis is also a powerful tool in understanding employee behaviors in 
the digital era. In this presentation, we will synthesize various 
applications of social network analysis in organizational research in 
the past and discuss promising future directions of social network 
research such as digital collaboration, network change, and big data.

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