【ワークショップ】「Workshop on the Disclosure Function of the Patent System」 2015.3.7

Workshop on the Disclosure Function of the Patent System  2015.3.7

日時: 2015年3月7日(土)
場所:  商学研究科リエゾン・ラボ(1階)
      〒101-8439 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2
主催: 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター

13:00  基調講演  (40 minutes each, 20 minutes Q&A)
Chair    Sadao Nagaoka
(1) “Do inventors value secrecy in patenting? Evidence from the American Inventor’s Protection Act of 1999,”
Stuart GRAHAM, Georgia Institute of Technology and USPTO

(2) “Patent systems and citation metrics,”
Bruno VAN POTTELSBERGHE, Dean, Solvay Business School

15:00  休憩

15:30 Presentations of work in progress  (25 minutes each, 15minutes Q&A)
Chair  Yosuke Okada
(1) “Effects of early patent disclosure on knowledge: evidence from the impact of introducing Pre-Grant Publication System in the United States,” 
Yoshimi OKADA, Hitotsubashi University

(2) “Effects of early initiation of patent examination on the examination quality”
     Isamu Yamauchi, RIETI

(3) “Use of grace period and its impact on knowledge flow: evidence from Japan,”
     Sadao Nagaoka, Hitotsubashi University

17:30 Closing

This research project is supported by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research JSPS(B:26285055). We would like to thank for this.

