■ 日米ワークショップ「科学における協力と生産性」 |
日時: 2010年3月26日(金)9.15-18.10 会場: コンファレンススクエアM+ 10階「ミドル2」(千代田区丸の内、三菱ビル) 主催: 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター、文部科学省科学技術政策研究所、 米国ジョージア工科大学 協力: 全米科学財団(NSF) |
本ワークショップでは、イノベーション研究センターが科学技術政策研究所と協力して実施した、日本の科学者サーベイの暫定結果概要を報告し、また日米の著名な科学者からそれぞれの研究のマネジメントについて、および科学における協力と生産性の関係についての先端的な研究成果の報告を頂きました。これらの報告をベースに、今後日本で行うサーベイを利用した研究への指針を得るべく、各セッション毎、活発な議論が交されました。 |
US-Japan Workshop on Scientific Collaboration and Productivity |
Opening Remarks Tomoaki Wada/Director General, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Machi F. Dilworth/National Science Foundation (NSF) Sadao Nagaoka/Hitotsubashi University |
Session I Survey Framework and Initial Results in Japan Chair: John Walsh/Georgia Institute of Technology [1] Survey design and sample characteristics of the Japanese survey Masatsura Igami/NISTEP and Hitotsubashi University (with Sadao Nagaoka ) [2] Initial results from the Japan scientists survey Sadao Nagaoka/Hitotsubashi University (with Masatsura Igami) Comment: Akira Endo/Hitotsubashi University |
Session II Discovery Process in Science Chair: Sadao Nagaoka/Hitotsubashi University [3] “A case of astronomy” Francis Halzen/University of Wisconsin Comments and questios: John Walsh/Georgia Institute of Technology [4] “A case of biological science” Hirotada Mori/Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology |
Session III Research Staffing and Funding in the US and Japan Chair: Machi F. Dilworth/NSF [5] Interpreting the Japanese survey results on research staffing and funding in light of the Japanese staffing/funding mechanism Tomohiro Ijichi/Seijo University [6] International graduate science training, scientific collaboration, and research productivity Marcus Ynalvez/Texas A&M International University [7] US mechanism of research staffing and funding: implications for studying collaboration and productivity Paula Stephan/Georgia State University and NBER |
Session IV Commercialization Process and the Use of IT in Science Chair: Hideo Owan/University of Tokyo [8] Interpreting the Japanese survey results on commercialization in light of the Japanese mechanism of commercialization Manabu Eto/Hitotsubashi University [9] The Impact of Information Technology on Academic Scientists’ Productivity Waverly Ding/UC-Berkeley |
Session V Wrap-up Discussions toward Scientist Survey in the US Chair: Paula Stephan/Georgia State University and NBER [10] US science institutions and sample construction for the US survey John Walsh/Georgia Institute of Technology |