Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Assistant Professor and Junya Kataoka, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, received Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Award

Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Assistant Professor and Junya Kataoka, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, received Best Paper Award at 38th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management.


Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management

Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Best Paper Award

October 29, 2023

Award Winner:
Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi (Assistant Professor, IIR)
Junya Kataoka (Specially Appointed Assistant professor, IIR)
Kazuki Yokota (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University)
Sotaro Shibayama (The University of Tokyo)
Mari Kawamura (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy)

Article Title:
“What increases job satisfaction of doctoral graduates? An empirical study of effects of publication productivity and the timing of the acquisition of the doctoral degree”

What should doctoral graduates do during their doctoral years to obtain satisfying jobs in their subsequent careers? This study empirically explores this question using data from NISTEP’s Japan Doctoral Human Resource Profiling (JD-PRO), a follow-up survey of doctoral graduates from Japanese universities. The results confirm that while the number of dissertations produced has a very limited impact, having a job with a certain link to one’s doctoral research increases satisfaction both in job content and in job conditions. Those who have obtained doctoral degree faster tended to be more likely to have a job with a strong connection to their doctoral research, but the effect of the timing of the acquisition of the doctoral degree was not significantly significant. This suggests that rather than policies to encourage early acquisition of a doctoral degree, it may be better to encourage acquisition of specialized knowledge or skills that have a certain degree of versatility in doctoral research, which may contribute to career development in later years.

Website for the Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management (in Japanese):