AAOS (The Academic Association for Organizational Science) Online Seminar 2023.11.1 Gazi Islam, Ph.D.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 16:00-17:30
(The online connection will be available from 15:40)
“Management Research and Social Value”
Gazi Islam, Ph.D.
Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management,
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Ethics
Form of Presentation:
Online (Zoom)
Advance Registration:
(Please register by 15:00 on Tuesday, October 31 at the following “CLICK HERE”. The zoom URL will be sent to participants’ e-mail addresses at 10:00 on the day of the seminar, November 1).
Related URL:
Research in Management and Organization Studies (MOS) has been increasingly concerned with issues of social relevance beyond economic performance narrowly construed. However, contextualizing academic research within a broader consideration of its social roles raises important considerations around the design, conceptualization and execution of research. In this intervention, I examine some of the issues that are coming to the forefront of concern in MOS and the implications of these issues across different parts of the research process. The result of taking these implications into account is hoped to be a more reflexive, socially participative, and dialogic research agenda that is aware of its diverse stakeholders and understands its goals in relation to the wider social good.
Advance Handouts:
Participation Fee:
Organized by:
Institute of Innovation Research (IIR) of Hitotsubashi University and the Academic Association for Organizational Science
Co-organized by :
HIAS, Management Innovation Research Center (MIC) and Japan Academy of Business Administration
English (No interpretation available)
Chair (Coordinator):
Masaru KARUBE, Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University
If you have any questions, please contact Masaru KARUBE at