■IIR Summer School 2016
Date: August 22, 2016
Venue: Sano-shoin Hall of Hitotsubashi University
Organized by: Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
Opening Remarks:
10:00-10:10: Kentaro Nobeoka
Morning Session: 10:10-11:50 (Chair: Masaru Karube)
10:10-11:00: Yunyun Wan, “Reverse Payments and Generic Entry Competition”
11:00-11:50: Ilir Haxhi, “Conflicts between Indigenous Communities and MNEs: Understanding the Role of MNE-, Country-, and Community-specific Factors”
Afternoon Session 1: 12:50-15:00 (Chair: Atsushi Ohyama)
12:50-13:20: Masayuki Hirose,
“Statistical Analysis of Patent Applications Citing Prior Art in a Different Technical Field from Claimed Inventions for Which the Patent is Sought”
13:20-14:10: Ameek Kaur, “Shared Leadership, Role Sharing and Team Innovation”
14:10-15:00: Cornelia Lawson, “Transition in External Academic Engagement”
Afternoon Session 2: 15:20-17:30 (Chair: Joel Malen)
15:20-16:10: Jungwon Min, “Vicarious Learning from Organizational Crisis in the International Context: A Comprehensive Model”
16:10-17:00: Susumu Nagayama, “Intrapersonal Diversity in Function and Genre in Creative Teams: A Study of the Japanese Music Industry”
17:00-17:30: Balazs Fazekas, “Social Capital and the Evolution of Innovation Networks”
17:30-18:00: Rosslyn-Smith, “Design to the Rescue”