■13 Mar. 2013
Giuseppe Scellato
Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino
“Mover’s Advantage and US attractiveness for young scholars” (based on NBER WP 18577)
■6 Mar. 2013
Keun Lee
(Professor, Seoul National University) , Visiting Professor of the IIR
Knowledge, Path-creation and economic catch-up: Schumpeterian Recipe to Escape the middle income trap.” (based on a forthcoming book from Cambridge University)
■29 Jan. 2013
Cornelia Storz
(Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
Which labor market design is better for Innovation?: The case of game software industry
■28 July, 2012
Hiroko Yamane (Professor, Department of Law, Teikyo University)
Competition Analyses of Licensing Agreements: Japan’s Developmental Perspectives and Micromanagement of Licensee Protection
■10 July, 2012
Hideto Adachi (Project Manager, Optical Devices Business, Power & Optical Devices Business Unit, Industrial Devices Company, Semiconductor Business Group Panasonic Corporation)
Development and Practical Application of Monolithic Dual-Wavelength High-Power Laser Diodes for DVD/CD Drives
(G-COE Research Project on Okochi Prize Cases)
■26 June, 2012
Yutaka Yamauchi (Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University)
Scientists’ Search for Market Opportunities: A Case of Palo Alto Research Center
■20 June, 2012
Jaehyun Park (PhD Candidate, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University)
The Interaction Paradigms between Designers and Users in the Design Process: Two Empirical Studies
■11 June, 2012
Nahoko Ono (Visiting Researcher, Columbia Law School)
Utilization of Intellectual Property
■6 June, 2012
Shinichi Hanada (Fixed-term Research Associate, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics)
How Subsidy Policy Encourage the Diffusion of New Technology: Case from Residential Photovoltaic Panel
■30 May, 2012
Emi Mizuno (Deputy Director, Technology Business Development, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation)
Wind Energy Development in Denmark and Germany: Co-evolutional Mechanism of Policy, Market, Industry and Technology
(G-COE Research Project on Okochi Prize Cases)
■14 May, 2012
Hiroshi Uematsu (General Manager, Ironmaking Technical Div. NIPPON STEEL Corporation)
Kenji Kato (General Manager, Plant Engineering and Facility Management Center, NIPPON STEEL Corporation)
Hidehiro Kuwatori (Manager, Resource Recycling Planning Dept. Technical Administration & Planning Div. NIPPON STEEL Corporation)
Municipal Waste Plastics Recycling Technology for Producing Chemical Raw Materials Using Coke Ovens
(G-COE Research Project on Okochi Prize Cases)