OECD Tokyo Workshop on Social Sciences and Innovation 2000.11.30-12.2

International Workshop on Social Sciences and Innovation 2000.11.29-12.2
  “Challenges to the Social Sciences in the New Millennium”
by Dr. Nathan ROSENBERG (Professor, Stanford University, USA)
  Plenary session 1: Promoting Innovation
Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR)
Presentation #1: Dr. Ikujiro NONAKA (Professor, Hitotsubashi University,Japan)
Developing Unified, Dynamic Knowledge Management Systems
Presentation #2: Dr. Martin KENNEY (Professor, University of California at Davis, USA)
Social Sciences and the Innovative Capacity of the Firm
Presentation #3: Dr. M.G.K. MENON (former Minister of Science and technology, India)
Innovation- Its Characteristics, Promotion and Policy Frameworks Needed for This
Short panel discussion 1:
Panelists: Speakers of presentation #1, #2 and #3
Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR)
  Plenary session 2: Innovation, Science and Society
Chair: Dr. Hans van GINKEL (UNU)
Presentation #4:
Prof. Yoichiro MURAKAMI (Professor, International Christian University, Japan)
Scientific Innovation and Societal Change: A Historical Perspective
Presentation #5: Dr. Thierry GAUDIN (President, Prospective 2100, France)
Innovation Policies as a Substitute for Failing Economic Policies
Presentation #5: Dr. Hiroyuki YOSHIKAWA (President, University of the Air, Japan)
The Role of Social Science in Raising Public Understanding of Scientific and Technological Innovation
Short panel discussion 2
Panelists: Speakers of presentation #4, #5 and #6
Chair: Dr. Hans van GINKEL (UNU)
  Working groups (parallel session)

1) Each working group has its own chair.
2) Each working group is expected to have 20–30 participants.
3) Each working group will have three or four kick-off speakers.

WG1: Social Sciences for Technological Innovation
Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR)
Rapporteur: Yaichi Aoshima (IIR)
Kick-off speaker: Prof. Ben MARTIN (Director, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK)
Matching Societal Needs and Technological Capabilities: Research Foresight and the Implications for Social Sciences
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Fumio KODAMA (Professor, RCAST, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Analyzing the Innovation Process for Policy Formulation
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Lynn KRIEGER MYTELKA (Director, UNU/Institute for New Technologies, Maastricht, Netherlands)
Innovation Theory and Innovation Policy: Bridging the Gap

WG2: Social Science for Social Innovation
Chair: Mr. Luk VAN LANGENHOVE (Deputy Secretary General, Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, Belgium)
Rapporteur: Mr. Jean-Eric Aubert (World Bank)
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Nadia AURIAT (Management of Social Transformation Program, UNESCO)
Social Science and the Management of Social Change
Kick-off speaker: Prof. Charly Gabriel MBOCK (Director of Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Cameroon)
Social Sciences and the Social Development Process in Africa
Kick-off speaker: Prof. Hebe VESSURI (Head of the Department of Science Studies, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient ficas, Venezuela)
Social Sciences and Ethics
Kick-off speaker: Hatsuhisa TAKASHIMA (Director, United Nations Information Center, Tokyo)
Social Sciences, Media and Society
WG3: Impacts of Innovation on Society
Chair: Dr. Hans van Ginkel (UNU)
Rapporteur: Gudrun Maaァ (OECD)
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Sharifah Hapsah SHAHABUDIN (Director of Academic Development, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia)
Bringing Science to the People: Medical Innovation and Community Health Programmes
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Arie RIP (Head, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Assessing Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology Assessment
Kick-off speaker: Dr. Jean-Claude BURGELMAN (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Sevilla, Spain)
How Social Dynamics Influence Technological Innovation
  Working groups (parallel session: continued)
  Plenary session 3 (Reports from working groups)
  Plenary session 4 (Discussion and summary) 2000.12.2