2000.11.29 |
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“Challenges to the Social Sciences in the New Millennium” by Dr. Nathan ROSENBERG (Professor, Stanford University, USA) |
2000.11.30 |
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Plenary session 1: Promoting Innovation Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR) Presentation #1: Dr. Ikujiro NONAKA (Professor, Hitotsubashi University,Japan) Developing Unified, Dynamic Knowledge Management Systems Presentation #2: Dr. Martin KENNEY (Professor, University of California at Davis, USA) Social Sciences and the Innovative Capacity of the Firm Presentation #3: Dr. M.G.K. MENON (former Minister of Science and technology, India) Innovation- Its Characteristics, Promotion and Policy Frameworks Needed for This Short panel discussion 1: Panelists: Speakers of presentation #1, #2 and #3 Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR) |
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Plenary session 2: Innovation, Science and Society Chair: Dr. Hans van GINKEL (UNU) Presentation #4: Prof. Yoichiro MURAKAMI (Professor, International Christian University, Japan) Scientific Innovation and Societal Change: A Historical Perspective Presentation #5: Dr. Thierry GAUDIN (President, Prospective 2100, France) Innovation Policies as a Substitute for Failing Economic Policies Presentation #5: Dr. Hiroyuki YOSHIKAWA (President, University of the Air, Japan) The Role of Social Science in Raising Public Understanding of Scientific and Technological Innovation Short panel discussion 2 Panelists: Speakers of presentation #4, #5 and #6 Chair: Dr. Hans van GINKEL (UNU) |
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Working groups (parallel session)
Note: 1) Each working group has its own chair. 2) Each working group is expected to have 20–30 participants. 3) Each working group will have three or four kick-off speakers.
WG1: Social Sciences for Technological Innovation Chair: Dr. Seiichiro YONEKURA (IIR) Rapporteur: Yaichi Aoshima (IIR) Kick-off speaker: Prof. Ben MARTIN (Director, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK) Matching Societal Needs and Technological Capabilities: Research Foresight and the Implications for Social Sciences Kick-off speaker: Dr. Fumio KODAMA (Professor, RCAST, University of Tokyo, Japan) Analyzing the Innovation Process for Policy Formulation Kick-off speaker: Dr. Lynn KRIEGER MYTELKA (Director, UNU/Institute for New Technologies, Maastricht, Netherlands) Innovation Theory and Innovation Policy: Bridging the Gap
WG2: Social Science for Social Innovation Chair: Mr. Luk VAN LANGENHOVE (Deputy Secretary General, Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, Belgium) Rapporteur: Mr. Jean-Eric Aubert (World Bank) Kick-off speaker: Dr. Nadia AURIAT (Management of Social Transformation Program, UNESCO) Social Science and the Management of Social Change Kick-off speaker: Prof. Charly Gabriel MBOCK (Director of Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Cameroon) Social Sciences and the Social Development Process in Africa Kick-off speaker: Prof. Hebe VESSURI (Head of the Department of Science Studies, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient ficas, Venezuela) Social Sciences and Ethics Kick-off speaker: Hatsuhisa TAKASHIMA (Director, United Nations Information Center, Tokyo) Social Sciences, Media and Society WG3: Impacts of Innovation on Society Chair: Dr. Hans van Ginkel (UNU) Rapporteur: Gudrun Maaァ (OECD) Kick-off speaker: Dr. Sharifah Hapsah SHAHABUDIN (Director of Academic Development, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia) Bringing Science to the People: Medical Innovation and Community Health Programmes Kick-off speaker: Dr. Arie RIP (Head, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands) Assessing Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology Assessment Kick-off speaker: Dr. Jean-Claude BURGELMAN (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Sevilla, Spain) How Social Dynamics Influence Technological Innovation |
2000.12.1 |
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Working groups (parallel session: continued) |
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Plenary session 3 (Reports from working groups) |
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Plenary session 4 (Discussion and summary) 2000.12.2 |
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Excursion |