■ International Workshop on PATSTAT and Patent Statistics
January 19, 2010 at 7F Conference Room, Institute of Intellectual Property, Kanda, Tokyo
Organized by Institute of Intellectual Property
Supported by IIR
Opening Address
Tateo Takiuchi (Institute of Intellectual Property)
Dominique Guellec (OECD Senior Economist)
[1] “Guide to the PATSTAT”
James Rollinson (European Patent Office)
[2] “Linking of PATSTAT and IIP Patent Database”
Kazuyuki Motohashi (University of Tokyo)
[3] “Evaluating Continuing Applications in the US, Using PATSTAT Database”
Naotoshi Tsukada (IIR)
[4] “An Econometric Assessment of the Effects of Patent Thickets“
Yoichiro Nishimura (Kanagawa University) and Sadao Nagaoka (IIR)
Closing Remarks
Sadao Nagaoka