■ Workshop on Innovation in Digital Industries
Date: February 23, 2017
Venue: Sano-shoin Hall, Hitotsubashi University
Innovation in digital industries now figures prominently in determining aggregate economic outcomes in the economy. Digital goods are pervasive and range from computer software to music, film and games, engineering blueprints, and even DNA sequences. There have been important discussions about whether new digital technological advances contribute to growth in productivity.
Less attention, however, has been paid to understand the industry’s boundaries, the accompanying organizational changes necessary to reap advances in the new digital technologies as well as the conditions for firms and countries to be successful entrants. The workshop aims at a discussion of these important issues.
10:30-11:45 Pre-research Meeting by presenters and IIR faculty members
11:45-12:45 Registration and Lunch
12:45-13:00 Opening Remarks
13:00-13:45 Session I
Steven Casper (Keck Graduate Institute), Marcela Miozzo (University of Manchester),
Cornelia Storz (University of Frankfurt)
“Conditions for successful entry in new digital industries: The role of generic complementary assets in the case of the online games industry.”
13:45-14:30 Session II
Yaichi Aoshima (Hitotsubashi University, IIR)
“How does digital technology affect the boundary of product?: Rise and fall of the digital still camera industry.”
14:45-15:30 Session III
Fumihiko Ikuine (Tsukuba University)
“Innovation pattern of digital industry: An evolutionary process of the Home video game in Japan.”
15:30-16:15 Session IV
Byeongwoo Kang (Hitotsubashi University, IIR), Heikki Rannikko (Aalto University School of Science), Erno T. Tornikoski (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
“How a laid-off employee becomes an entrepreneur: The case of Nokia’s Bridge program.”
16:30-17:15 Session V
Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford)
“Platforms as institutional frameworks for cross-border trade: The case of Online Labour Markets.”
17:15-18:00 Session VI
Michael Cusumano (MIT Sloan School, Tokyo University of Science)
“Platform Company Research – Some Data and Questions.”
Closing Remarks
The workshop was sponsored by Innovation Management Policy Program.