■NUS-IIR Workshop on Innovation
Date: September 11-13, 2015
Venue: National University of Singapore
Organized by D-ETM (Division of Engineering & Technology Management), NUS and IIR, Hitotsubashi University
1. Program
Sep. 11 (Fri)
14:00-18:30 Workshop by Faculty members
18:45-20:00 Reception
12 (Sat) 09:00-10:45 Students presentation (AM session)
11:00-12:00 Keynote speech by Prof. Nobeoka (Director of IIR)
13:00-17:00 Students presentation (PM session)
13 (Sun) 10:00-12:00 Conference tour (Library, etc.)
2. Participants
Prof. Chang Chieh Hang (Head, D-ETM, Exec. Dir. IEL)
Prof. Chihiro Watanabe (Visiting Prof., D-ETM)
Prof. Foo Maw Der (Associate Prof., D-ETM)
Prof. Chai Kah Hin (Deputy Head, D-ETM)
Dr Annapoornima Subramanian (Assistant Prof., D-ETM)
Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke (Visiting Prof., D-ETM)
Dr Angeline Lim (Research Fellow, D-ETM)
5 Students (Post graduates/Post Dr)
5 Japanese representatives in Singapore
IIR, Hitotsubashi University
Prof. Kentaro Nobeoka (Director, IIR)
Prof. Yaichi Aoshima (Dean, IIR)
Prof. Manabu Eto (Prof., IIR)
Prof. Masaru Karube (Associate Prof., IIR)
Dr Megumi Kimura (Adjunct Assistant Prof., IIR)
4 Students (Post graduates)
Institutional Sources of Innovation
Day 1 Sep. 11 (Fri)
14:00-18:30 Workshop (20 min. presentation, 15 min. Discussion)
14:00-14:05 Opening
14:05-14:20 Introduction
14:20-14:40 Prof. Aoshima
“Forces that Distort Renewable Energy Policies: An Analysis of the Policy Impact on the Rooftop
PV Market in Japan” (Moderator: Chai)
14:40-14:55 Discussion
14:55-15:15 Prof. Hang
“Strategies of a Small Nation (Singapore) in Technological Innovation: Global Partnership and Talent Development” (Moderator: Aoshima)
15:15-15:30 Discussion
15:45-16:05 Prof. Eto
“The Secret of Innovation in Switzerland” (Moderator: Watanabe)
16:05-16:20 Discussion
16:20-16:40 Prof. Watanabe
“Operationalization of Un-captured GDP toward a Post Excessive Consumption Society: Similarity
and Disparity between Singapore and Finland” (Moderator: Eto)
16:40-16:55 Discussion
16:55-17:15 Prof. Karube
“Post-Merger Integration: Who Owns Interorganizational Relationships?-Post-Merging Integration
through Client Sharing between Accounting Firms” (Moderator: Foo)
17:15-17:30 Discussion
17:30-17:50 Prof. Foo
“Building a Research Agenda on Individual and Team Determinants of Academic Entrepreneurhip”
(Moderator: Karube)
17:50-18:05 Discussion
18:05-18:30 Overall discussion
(Moderators: Hang and Nobeoka)