Kataoka, Junya Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

2018 B.A., Faculty of Commerce and Management,
Hitotsubashi University
2020 M.A., Graduate School of Business Administration,
Hitotsubashi University
2023 Ph.D., Graduate School of Business Administration,
Hitotsubashi University
2023-present Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Junior Fellow),
Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University
2023-present Specially Appointed Assistant Professor,
Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2024-present Assistant Professor, College of Economics, Nihon University
Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management Best Paper Award⏩
Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management, October 2023
【Recent Research Themes】
Relationships between inventors’ position on social networks and their performance
Social recognition process of disruptive knowledge