Ichikawa, Tagui Specially Appointed Professor
Digital/ Innovation Policy
Web: https://sites.google.com/view/ichikawa-tagui-iir/home
(Business Career)
1990 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
2001-2004 Deputy Director, Industrial Technology Policy Division, METI
2004-2006 Director, Planning Division, New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization (NEDO)
2006-2007 Director, RPS Office, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, METI
2007-2010 Director, IT Research Department, JETRO New York Center
(Representative, IPA New York)
2010-2011 Director, AIST Office, METI
2011-2013 Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology
2013-2017 Counselor, National Strategy Office of ICT, Cabinet Secretariat
2017-2020 Deputy Director, AI Research Center, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)
2018- Deputy Director General for Artificial Intelligence, AIST
2019- Director General, AIST Tokyo Waterfront, AIST
2020-2023 Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2023- Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2023- Specially Appointed Professor, Center of Data Science and AI, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2023- Fellow, Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency
(Education and Research)
1988 B.A. (Natural & Artificial Systems) University of Tokyo
1990 M.A. (General Systems Studies) University of Tokyo
1997 M.S. (Technology and Policy) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2013 Dr. of Policy Studies (Science and Technology Policy) National Graduate
Institute of Policy Studies
【Recent Research Themes】
Digital Innovation Policy
Artificial Intelligence and Social Systems
Innovation Systems
Science, Technology and Industrial Policy